News from Suze - September 2024

06 September 2024

Suze Redmayne

Welcome to the September edition of News from Suze.

In this issue - 

  • Hon. Paul Goldsmith visits the Rangitīkei
  • Winstone Pulp's Future and Our Community's Resolve 
  • Out and About During August
  • National Party Conference
  • Farmers - Have Your Say: Inquiry into Banking Competition 
  • Government News
  • Upcoming Public Events
  • We're on the Move!

Celebrating Arts, Heritage, and Agricultural Innovation: Hon. Paul Goldsmith Visits the Rangitīkei

During August I had the pleasure of hosting Hon. Paul Goldsmith in our electorate. His visit provided a fantastic opportunity to showcase the vibrant mix of arts, heritage, and agricultural innovation that we’re so proud of in the Rangitīkei.

We started our day at Te Manawa Museum of Art, Science, and Heritage in Palmerston North. As Minister for Arts, Culture, and Heritage, Paul was warmly welcomed by Chief Executive Susanna Shadbolt and her team. They guided us through the museum, art gallery, and the charming Totaranui House - where Paul was acquainted with the resident cat! We were lucky to get a behind-the-scenes look at the archives and art storage. The team at Te Manawa are doing a fabulous job preserving our community’s treasures and stories.

Next, in Paul’s capacity as Minister for State Owned Enterprises, we visited Cheltenham Downs Farm, a 1427-hectare finishing farm that is part of Pāmu (Landcorp Farming). Under a brilliant blue sky, Pāmu Chief Executive Mark Leslie and Farm Manager David Woolston led us on a fantastic tour of the property. The focus on sustainability and productivity was evident as we took in their sheep and dairy beef operations. As a fellow sheep and beef farmer, I appreciated the chance to share stories and insights.

We then returned to Feilding for a lunch meeting with the Rangitikei Business Club, where Paul gave everyone a great overview of his work across his various portfolios, followed by a lively Q&A session. In addition to his roles in Arts, Culture and Heritage, and State Owned Enterprises, Paul is also Minister of Justice, Minister of Media and Communications, and Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations. He’s a busy and dedicated leader – it was a privilege to host him in the mighty Rangitīkei.

Standing Strong in the Face of Uncertainty: Winstone Pulp's Future and Our Community's Resolve

It's been a tough month in the Northern parts of the electorate with the announcement of the proposed closure of Winstone Pulp International’s mills in Karioi and Tangiwai, amid sky rocketing energy prices. As the largest permanent employer in the Ruapehu District, the impact of a permanent closure would be devastating, with 230 jobs lost and a trickle-down affect that would be felt widely.

It certainly serves as a stark reminder of the importance of policies that protect our regional economies and support local industries. Something I am committed to advocating for as I bring the voices of our region to Parliament. 

At the end of August, I attended a community hui in Raetihi to discuss the proposed closures. It was heartening to see our Ruapehu communities come together with such strength and unity. The standing-room-only crowd demonstrated the deep concern we all share, but also a determination to find a way forward.

In the short term, the Government has invited central North Island Mayors to work with Winstone Pulp International to present possible solutions to keep the mills operating. However, our businesses, communities, and families deserve more than a temporary fix—they need a long-term strategy that ensures reliable and affordable energy.

The Government is actively working to restore confidence in our energy sector by removing regulatory barriers that have stopped firms generating electricity or bringing in the gas that Kiwis need. We are also progressing a series of reforms to make it easier and cheaper to consent, build and maintain renewable electricity generation, as well as electricity distribution and transmission. Additionally, the Electricity Authority and Commerce Commission are assessing market competition and electricity prices to ensure fairness.

My heart goes out to the staff at Winstone Pulp during this challenging time. To anyone who may be reading this who has been affected, please know that you are not alone. Our entire community stands with you, and we will face this challenge together.

Out and About During August 

Exploring Horticultural Innovation in the "Fruit Bowl of NZ"

I recently had the pleasure of spending a fantastic day in the heart of “the Fruit Bowl of New Zealand,” hosted by our outstanding MP for Tukituki, Catherine Wedd.

Our visit to Plant and Food Research in Havelock North was enlightening. It was fascinating to see the work they’re doing, and trying a couple of new apple varieties was a highlight. The level of science and creativity on display was impressive.

This continued during our visit to Rockit Apple Global. It was great to chat with CEO Mark O’Donnell and see their state-of-the-art packing operation in action with GM of Operations Scott Griffen. The precision and care that goes into every apple really stood out.

All-round a great day in the Bay.

Planting Trees for a Living Memorial at Mount Stewart

It was brilliant to be part of a tree planting event for the Missing Wingman Trust’s living memorial project at Mount Stewart. As they say, "many hands make light work," and that’s exactly what happened. With some fantastic teamwork from NZDF Base Ohakea, the Missing Wingman Trust, Green By Nature, Ricoh, and the Manawatu District Council, we had over 5,000 native plants in the ground in no time.
This project has been years in the making, and it’s about so much more than just planting trees. It’s about creating a living memorial to honour the past and present personnel of the NZDF and their families—a tribute that will stand the test of time. I would like to acknowledge my colleague and friend Tim Costley, MP for Otaki, who founded the Missing Wingman Trust as a memorial to friends he lost while serving in the RNZAF. Mount Stewart was chosen for its unique location within the flight path of Ohakea, making it a fitting site for remembrance.
The planting event marked the largest effort yet, bringing the project from construction to life. The walking paths, shaped like the Missing Man aerial formation, are a striking feature, best seen from above as flights land into Ohakea.
This memorial is a special project for our district, and it was amazing to see so many people come together to make it happen.

A Day of Connection and Community in Taumarunui

It was fabulous to spend a day in Taumarunui during a mid-month recess in August. My visit began at Owhango School, where it was great to see students fully embracing their fantastic skate park on school grounds.  I then stopped by Taumarunui Primary School and was warmly welcomed by Principal Bethwen Crockett and her bright, smiling students.
A highlight of my day was catching up with the lively Rhys Delamere at Trunk Coffee House. Rhys is a true local personality and a great advocate for our region – it’s always a joy to share a coffee and some conversation with him.
Later, I joined Mayor Weston Kirton at the Mayor’s Task Force for Jobs office. This initiative is doing tremendous work connecting our youth with employment opportunities. My colleague, Barbara Kuriger MP, and I had the chance to see the program in action at Absolute Meats. We met with owners Sam and Jess Brenchley, who are not only running a successful business but also nurturing young talent like their apprentice, Kaleb Leith.
The day concluded with a fun-filled Quiz Night at the Taumarunui and District RSA – which saw Barbara and I go head-to-head in the battle of the politicians! A perfect way to wrap up a busy and rewarding day. 

Celebrating a Milestone with the Feilding and District Steam Rail Society
It was an absolute pleasure to join the Feilding and District Steam Rail Society team as they celebrated a significant milestone—the WAB794 locomotive’s boiler passing its hydraulic test. This achievement means they’re now full steam ahead with reassembling the locomotive, bringing them one step closer to having this magnificent piece of history back on the rails.
I thoroughly enjoyed catching up with the team, touring their impressive facilities, and sharing lunch together. A special highlight was getting up close to a restored "rattler," a nostalgic moment for me as I used to travel to and from school on one of these back in the day (if you know, you know 😉). 

Whanganui Home and Lifestyle Show with Carl Bates

It was great to spend time at the Whanganui Home and Lifestyle Show with my friend and colleague Carl Bates MP for Whanganui. There were plenty of positive conversations with a diverse range of attendees. The Rangitīkei and Whanganui electorates share many of the same issues and concerns so it's always good to support one another as we work hard to get NZ back on track. 

National Party Conference

It was fantastic to attend the 88th Annual National Party Conference at the beginning of August as part of the class of ’23. The weekend was packed with discussions on how we can keep New Zealand moving forward.
In fact, PM Christopher Luxon summed it up perfectly when he said: “National is the party for workers, for law and order, and for rural NZ. We are the party that rebuilds the economy, so we have more money for health and education.” His message was a great reminder to us all of the task at hand — to get New Zealand back on track!
We were also lucky to have special guest speaker, and former PM, John Key along to share some great inspiration and experience with us. 
A special thanks to Shelley Dew-Hopkins and Elaine Wheeler from the Rangitīkei Exec for keeping me company at the conference.

Farmers — Have Your Say: Inquiry into Banking Competition

We want to hear from farmers and growers about the fairness and competitiveness of rural banking services in NZ. We want to find out if you’re paying more than you should be for those services.
Have your say by making a submission on the Finance and Expenditure Committee's Inquiry into Banking Competition.

The closing date for submissions is 25 September 2024. Find out more and make a submission here.

Government News 

Government Delivering Reliable Roads for Rangitīkei

A record $1.6 billion is being invested in the Manawatū-Whanganui transport network over the next three years — fantastic news for the Rangitīkei and our wider region.
With over $480 million going towards fixing our roads and tackling those pesky potholes, we're set to see real improvements on our highways and local roads. The reintroduction of the Roads of National Significance (RoNS) programme, including the Ōtaki to North of Levin expressway and the nearly completed Manawatū Tararua Highway, will boost connectivity and safety. Plus, doubling peak rail services on the Capital Connection is great news for commuters. Read more here. 

Good News for Those Travelling In and Out of Wellington 

A new 110km/h speed limit for the Kāpiti Expressway Road of National Significance (RoNS) has been approved to reduce travel times. Read more here.

Other Recent Government Announcements

Urgent Action Taken to Bolster Energy Security
Cabinet has moved quickly to approve a raft of actions to address the serious risk to New Zealand’s energy security and affordability. Read more here

Next Steps on Electrifying New Zealand 
The Government will progress a series of reforms to make it easier and cheaper to consent, build and maintain renewable electricity generation as well as electricity distribution and transmission. Read more here. 

Action Plan to Get More People into Employment
Supporting more people into work so they can lead happier, healthier, and more productive lives is the vision at the heart of the Government’s new Employment Action Plan. Read more here.

National Infrastructure Plan to Provide a 30-year Roadmap
The 30-year National Infrastructure Plan will ensure greater stability of infrastructure priorities to help New Zealand plan for, fund and deliver important projects. Read more here.

New Pathway for Essential Seasonal Workers
The coalition Government is providing immediate relief to employers with upcoming seasonal peaks by creating a new subcategory of the Specific Purpose Work Visa (SPWV). Read more here.

Drunk and Drugged Drivers Targeted by New Road Policing Programme 
Drunk drivers and drugged drivers will be heavily targeted to improve safety on our roads by the new $1.3 billion Road Policing Investment Programme RPIP (2024-2027). Read more here.

Delivering More Competitive Banking for Kiwis
The Government will act on all 14 recommendations made by the Commerce Commission’s final report into bank competition. Read more here.

Back to Basics for Local Government 
The Government has announced measures to ensure councils are getting back to basics to reduce the cost of living, deliver core services and infrastructure, and improve the efficiency of decision making. Read more here.

Government Funding Boosts Immunisation in High Needs Communities 
Immunisation is one of the most important ways to protect New Zealanders against diseases such as influenza, whooping cough and measles. Read more here.

Green Light for Welfare that Works
The new Traffic Light System will help more people get off Jobseeker Support and into employment and introduces tougher consequences for those who repeatedly do not meet their benefit obligations. Read more here.

New Zealand to Benefit from End to Gene Tech Ban
The Government is ending New Zealand’s nearly 30-year ban on gene technology outside the lab in a move which will bring health benefits, productivity and climate gains for New Zealanders. Read more here.

Cost of Living Relief Welcome
The cut in the Official Cash Rate (OCR) to 5.25 per cent is a welcome relief for families and businesses. New Zealand has been suffering an acute cost-of-living crisis since the mid-2021. Read more here.

Government Acts on Disability Review Findings
Immediate action will be taken to stabilise the disability support system after an independent review found the Ministry of Disabled People — Whaikaha was ‘ill-prepared’ to deliver these services when it was established in 2022. Read more here.

RSE Scheme Revitalised and Cap Increased
We are making changes that can be delivered quickly, reduce costs and compliance for employers, and improve flexibility for RSE workers. Read more here.

Unlocking Local Water Done Well
New water service delivery models: New water service delivery models that will drive crucial infrastructure investment have been approved by Cabinet, immediately providing improved access to finance for water council-controlled organisations (CCOs). Read more here.

New Direction for Public Service
The Government has issued a new Workforce Policy Statement outlining expectations and priorities for employment relations across the Public Sector, with a strong emphasis on fiscal sustainability and performance. Read more here.

Upcoming Public Events 

Lunch with the Rt Hon. Christopher Luxon
A fantastic opportunity to meet and hear from our Prime Minister. Friday 27 September, from11:30am at the Awapuni Function Centre in Palmerston North. Tickets are still available to purchase, see below.

Marton Arts and Craft Exhibition 
I'm looking forward to heading along to the Marton Arts and Craft Exhibition, running from 13-22 September at 16 Grey St, Marton. It’s open every day from 10am-4pm and showcases some amazing local talent. I hope to see you there. 

Takanini Seniors Morning Tea with Rima Nakhle 
On Monday 30 September, 10am-12pm, I'll be attending the Takanini Seniors morning tea being hosted by my colleague Rima Nakhle at 273 Hill Road, The Gardens, Manurewa Auckland.

Here to Help 

My team and I are always available to assist you. or calling 06 323 7253 (Feilding) or 07 896 8008 (Taumarunui).

Visit us in person at one of our office locations.

Feilding Office: 47 Manchester Street, Feilding - Monday to Friday,10:00am to 3:00pm. We are on the move! Our office will be closed from 9th to 13th September as we relocate. We look forward to welcoming you at our new location at 51 Fergusson Street from 16th September onwards.

Taumarunui Office: 1/101 Hakiaha Street, Taumarunui - Monday 9:30am to 2:30pm and Thursday 9:30am to 12:30pm.

The House is sitting for the last three out of four weeks of September, so I'll be in Wellington quite a bit. Back in the mighty Rangitīkei on Thursday through to Sunday evenings, it's always great to be home. 

Please feel free to forward this email to friends and family who might like to stay in touch. I appreciate your help staying connected with the community. If you've had this email forwarded to you, you can sign up to receive regular updates.
 Best wishes, 