Our Values
The foundation of our Party is built on the values of ambition and success; with lower taxes, reward for hard work, and equal opportunity for all at its core.

Since the establishment of the National Party in 1936, our values have not just been words on a page. Their meaning drives our focus, our policy, and unites our people in a common purpose.
Empowering individual freedom and choice, personal responsibility, and caring communities is about making sure New Zealanders take ownership of their future and set a good example for future generations.
We believe that the Government should create and deliver opportunities for all Kiwis and their families to get ahead.
National has a proven track record of doing the hard work required to deliver real solutions to the serious issues Kiwis are facing.
We believe this will be achieved by building a society based on the following values:
- Loyalty to our country, its democratic principles and our Sovereign as Head of State.
- Recognition of the Treaty of Waitangi as the founding document of New Zealand
- National and personal security
- Equal citizenship and equal opportunity
- Individual freedom and choice
- Personal responsibility
- Competitive enterprise and rewards for achievement
- Limited Government
- Strong families and caring communities
- Sustainable development of our environment
Now that you know more about our values, join us and become a member.