News from Suze - March 2025

07 March 2025

Suze Redmayne

Welcome back to News from Suze, the first edition for 2025.

I hope the year has started well for you—it feels like it's flying by already!

It's been a busy start for me, both here in Rangitīkei and in Wellington. It was great to kick things off with the PM and other colleagues at the annual Ratana celebrations in the mighty Rangitīkei—always a wonderful occasion which symbolises the start of the new Parliamentary year.

Out and About

Exploring the Blue Economy in Nelson

Last week as part of the Primary Production Select Committee, I spent a day in Nelson focused on the blue economy. We took to the water to get a first-hand look at aquaculture in practice with MacLab’s mussel farm, along with visits to Seaweave, Pinpoint Earth and Cawthron Institute to learn about our rapidly growing bluetech industry. We also enjoyed sessions with New Zealand King Salmon and Westpac NZ. The team from Moananui did a fantastic job pulling the day together—there is huge potential in the blue economy.

Bluegreens Forum

I recently enjoyed attending the 2025 Bluegreens Forum in Methven. National’s commitment to a strong economy and environmental stewardship was front and centre. Thanks to Grant McCallum and Hamish Campbell for a great event covering RMA reform, conservation, and innovation. We also heard insights from Fish & Game New Zealand, Forest & Bird, Federated Farmers, PM Christopher Luxon, Ministers and other MPs.

Manchester House Sensory Room Opening

I was honoured to cut the ribbon on the new Sensory Room with the awesome team from Manchester House in Feilding. This fantastic resource was made possible by the Sutherland Self Help Trust who support the community through education, health and neurodiversity initiatives.

National Lamb Day

It was fantastic to celebrate National Lamb Day on 15 February, marking 143 years since NZ’s first frozen lamb export. Our farmers are still producing some of the world’s best lamb, contributing over $10 billion to the economy and supporting 76,000 Kiwi jobs. A huge thank you to all our hardworking farmers. It's never too late to grab some lamb and celebrate, as we did with our annual National Lamb Day BBQ at Parliament.

Waitangi Day Celebrations

This year I enjoyed Waitangi Day in the mighty Rangitīkei, attending two wonderful celebrations. I started the day at Rangitāne o Manawatū’s event in Palmerston North, before heading to Taihape for the Mōkai Pātea Services Waitangi Big Day Out, where I even had my blood pressure and blood sugars checked.

Turakina Highland Games

The Turakina Highland Games always deliver. A fantastic day celebrating our Scottish heritage and the 160th anniversary of NZ’s oldest Highland Games. It was great to have my friends and colleagues Carl Bates (joined by his boys), and Grant McCallum (Clan Grant) join the fun. Congratulations to all competitors and organisers—it was a brilliant event.

Have Your Say: Rangitīkei Small Business Challenges

Running a small business isn’t always easy, and I know there are challenges that make it harder to grow and succeed. Whether it’s navigating red tape, dealing with infrastructure and zoning issues, or other everyday hurdles, I’d love to hear real-life examples about any challenges and barriers that are holding you back.
Hon. Chris Penk, Minister for Small Business and Manufacturing, is a strong advocate for businesses across New Zealand, and your feedback will help shape upcoming discussions and policy decisions.
Please email your thoughts to me at no later than 24 March.

Ohakune's Silver Lining in Desert Road Closure

It’s been great to see Ohakune businesses thriving with the increased traffic from the Desert Road closure. A huge thank you to everyone going the extra mile to welcome visitors—you’re showcasing the best of our region. It was also great to see Utopia Café’s Olivia Henare, Marie Hawira, and Helen Brown sharing Ohakune's charm on TV1’s Breakfast recently—well done, Olivia, Marie and Helen.

International Women's Day

Tomorrow, 8 March, is International Women’s Day—a time to celebrate the outstanding contributions of women in our communities, workplaces, and families.

The National Party is the party of NZ’s first female Prime Minister and first (and second!) female Finance Minister—and our current Minister for Women, Hon. Nicola Grigg, is the great grand-daughter of our first female MP! I'm also very honoured to be the first female MP for Rangitīkei.

Our Party has a proud history of advancing policies that specifically benefit women, including; introducing free breast and cervical screening programmes, introducing superannuation payments for women, introducing the Equal Pay Act, Equal Opportunities Trust, introducing Women in Trades, the Future Directors Programme and amending the Human Rights Act to protect women against discrimination—to name just a few.

Here in Rangitīkei, we are fortunate to have so many strong, capable women leading in business, agriculture, education, and community service. From the farm to the boardroom, their dedication and leadership help drive our economy and strengthen our community.
Let's all take a moment tomorrow to acknowledge the women in our lives who inspire us.

Government News

Surge in Farmer Confidence
Farmer confidence is on the rise. Federated Farmers’ latest survey shows a 68-point surge which is the biggest jump since 2016. A strong primary sector means more jobs, fair wages, and a better economy for all. By using smart farming methods, improving rural services, and growing our export value, we can build a strong future for New Zealand. Read PR for more.

OCR Drop
The OCR dropped 50 basis points in February, down to 3.75%. This will help with easing the cost of living for Kiwis even further, because when the OCR comes down, interest rates drop—meaning cheaper mortgage repayments. Read PR for more.

Going for Economic Growth
Going for economic growth is the biggest priority for our Government in 2025. A strong economy is key to lifting our quality of life, supporting local businesses, and creating more opportunities for everyone. Read PR for more.

UAE Free Trade Deal
There was good news for our farmers and rural communities to start the year, with NZ and the UAE signing a first-class free trade deal and investment treaty. This agreement wipes out 98.5% of our export tariffs to the UAE immediately, rising to 99% over the next three years. It will greatly benefit our key export sectors such as dairy, red meat, horticulture and industrial products. Read PR for more.

Upcoming Events and Dates to Note

2025 Ford Ranger NZ Rural Games
7 - 9 March: The Ford Ranger NZ Rural Games are on in The Square in Palmerston North. On Saturday 8 March I'll be presenting prizes at the Sam Strahan Sheep Dog Trials starting at noon.

Central Districts Field Days
13-15 March: The Rural Nats will be at Central Districts Field Days at Manfeild in Feilding. If you're heading along, I look forward to seeing you there.

Kopane School Centenary Celebrations
22 March: I'll be attending the opening celebrations and lunch on Saturday 22 March.

Rangitīkei National Party AGM
24 March: 5:30-7:30pm at the Feilding Club - all welcome.

Kimbolton Sculpture Festival
5 April: I'm looking forward to checking out the amazing rural themed sculptures, art exhibition and arts & craft stalls at this year's festival at the Kimbolton Sports Domain from 9am - 4pm.

Here to Help 

My team and I are available to assist you.

Reach us by emailing or calling 06 323 7253 (Feilding) or 07 896 8008 (Taumarunui).

Visit us in person at one of our office locations.

Feilding office: 51 Fergusson Street, Feilding - Monday to Friday, 10:00am to 3:00pm.

Taumarunui office: 1/101 Hakiaha Street, Taumarunui - Monday 9:30am to 2:30pm and Thursday 9:30am to 12:30pm.

Please feel free to forward this email to friends and family who might like to stay in touch. I appreciate your help staying connected with the community. If you've had this email forwarded on, you can sign up to get regular updates here.

Best wishes, 
Suze Redmayne