“When we asked for your vote, we didn’t promise you instant sunshine. We pointed out … that a nation can’t accelerate downhill for years and then … suddenly return to prosperity … We had to start … the long, slow climb back up the hill to recovery.” ~ Margaret Thatcher
Wow, can you believe that it has been a year since the election to get our country Back on Track! It’s been a great privilege to represent our community and help make a difference for a better, brighter future for our country, alongside Prime Minister Christopher Luxon.
This includes restoring law and order, improving our economy and delivering better public services.
We know Kiwis are doing it tough right now. The good news is that there are some positive signs that the situation is improving, including:
- Law and order: Government action to tackle crime and antisocial behaviour in Auckland is seeing results, with a 22% reduction in serious assaults in the past 6 months. In addition, 40 leaders of the Comancheros gang in Christchurch were recently charged and this disruption is having a positive ripple across the country.
- Cost of living: Inflation is expected to be within the Reserve Bank’s target range when announced this week, the OCR is down to 4.75% and ANZ’s business confidence survey is the highest seen in nearly a decade.
- Cutting wasteful spending: We’ve axed wasteful projects like Three Waters, Auckland’s Light Rail, Lake Onslow, Let’s Get Wellington Moving, and reduced back-office staff saving taxpayers billions of dollars.
- Getting back to basics: We’ve gone back to basics to ensure better outcomes in education, health care, policing, infrastructure development, and the delivery of social services.
We know there is a lot for us to do to ensure a better future for our children and grandchildren in New Zealand. A place where they want to stay rather than leave for better jobs and higher incomes overseas.
Central to this is a more prosperous economy. Successive governments for the past 40 years have failed to deliver increased prosperity for New Zealanders, relative to our international peers. The Coalition government cannot afford to waste the opportunity that lays before us.
One of the main reasons I am in politics is to help deliver a better and brighter economic future for our community and nation.
Join me on this journey – become a member of National, join our business club, follow me on social media and join our team of fun volunteers.
Thank you, Northcote, for your support. Onwards and upwards, together!
- Dan
Community Update
- Recently AT investigated how to improve the overall productivity of Onewa Rd, long requested by Kaipatiki local board members and myself. Permanent (or near permanent) no parking down the whole of Onewa Rd was one of the key recommendations and I will be working closely with AT and the local board to bring this idea to fruition. Please let me know if you have any feedback for me on this.
- The Salvation Army Glenfield have initiated a Christmas Food and Gift drive from now until 1 December. Donations can be dropped off at 4 Kaiptaiki Road. Non-perishable items and special Christmas gifts for all ages would be most welcome.
- The Vintage Carnival Art Deco Spring Festival is on Saturday 26th October in Birkenhead. Hosted by the Birkenhead Village and the Kaipatiki Local Board, this will be great event for all members of the family. See www.birkenhead.net.nz/events for more information.
- Diwali 2024 Northcote. It’s India’s Festival of Light and this event promises vibrant colours, eye popping fireworks and delicious food. Join the festivities on Saturday 26th October from 12pm – 9pm, 103 College Road, Northcote. See you there!
Northcote National Events
Public Seniors Meeting with Carl Bates
We're continuing our series of opportunities to meet new or returning members of our caucus, this time with our guest Carl Bates (MP for Whanganui)
- When: From 10am on Friday 25th October 2024
- Where: Birkenhead Bowling Club at 93 Mokoia Rd
- RSVP: Please email dan.bidoismp@parliament.govt.nz or call 09 4811089

Movie Night: Howards End Remastered
Howards End is a 1992 historical romantic drama film directed by James Ivory and based on the 1910 novel by E. M. Forster. Marking Merchant Ivory Productions' third adaptation of a Forster novel (following 1985's A Room with a View, and 1987's Maurice), the film's narrative explores class relations in turn-of-the-20th-century Britain through events in the lives of the Schlegel sisters. The film stars Emma Thompson, Anthony Hopkins, Helena Bonham Carter and Vanessa Redgrave.
Please join us for this special showing remastered in 4K!
- Date: Thursday 30th October 2024
Less costs, tickets are a donation to the Northcote National Party.
BlueGreens North Shore Volunteer Day
Join Northcote members for a local litter clean-up and policy chat with our North Shore neighbours:
- When: Sunday 20 October, 3pm-5pm
- Where: Killarney Park, Takapuna
- RSVP: Please email northshore@national.org.nz

Letter Delivery
We need help to deliver nearly 4000 letters in Northcote to potential party members. Please email us at dan.bidoismp@parliament.govt.nz if you can help!
Supporting Northcote National
We are seeking to grow our local membership to help us deliver for Northcote and to set up for success in the 2026 election. You decide what membership is worth and you decide how involved you want to be!
So, please join or re-join today! Become a member
See you in our community soon!