Brewer's Banter

05 September 2024

Cameron Brewer

What’s been happening locally?

Greenhithe public meeting well attended

Over 100 locals attended our law and order public meeting on the evening of Tuesday, 3 September. The night saw a lot of interaction with guest speaker Police Minister, Mark Mitchell, taking many questions from the floor. The Police’s Waitemata West Area Commander, Inspector Jason Edwards, attended as did local hardworking volunteers from Community Patrol New Zealand.
Mr Mitchell mapped out the Government’s law and order priorities. He also pointed to some early operational wins by the police, including more beat patrols now in our city centres, more frontline police being recruited, a crackdown on boy racers, a military-style academy already underway for serious repeat youth offenders, and significant gang arrests.
Cameron Brewer thanked the Minister for his commitment to the task following huge support from the voting public at the last election to crack down on crime. He also acknowledged the Minister’s willingness to continue to engage with local communities at the coalface and committed to always passing on locals’ concerns to him.

PM impressed with Massey High’s building academy

Massey High School hosted the Prime Minister on Friday, 23 August. The school of 1,800 students boasts a trades academy, with vocational pathways in building, automotive, and hospitality. The PM was impressed with the houses students construct on-site for Kāinga Ora, as was the Minister for Construction and Building, Hon Chris Penk MP.

PM tours Salvation Army’s expanding HQ

The Salvation Army Mission Centre on Don Buck Road has been serving the NorthWest for nearly 30 years. It's now under major redevelopment, including a new community cafe, family store, and foodbank. Out the back are 22 new long-term homes for people registered with Kāinga Ora. The Prime Minister, local MPs Chris Penk and Cameron Brewer joined Massey leader Ian Wells for a tour.

MP gives update to Summerset

Our MP caught up with many familiar faces at Summerset retirement village on SH18 in Hobsonville and got some great questions. He even gave away a copy of Steven Joyce's book! "Our seniors built this country, and this Government won't let them down," he told them.

Bayview family pop in to say thanks

The lovely Gatmaitan family from Bayview visited us to thank our electorate office for helping them with a council matter. Please contact us at:

From the MP – Cameron Brewer

Great news for Upper Harbour residents: NZTA has begun consulting and progressing the critical SH16 Northwest Rapid Transport Corridor (a dedicated busway) between Brigham Creek and the city centre. At the same time, the North-West Alternative State Highway (SH16 to bypass Kumeu) is planned for and has now been confirmed to be progressed in the 2027-30 period.
After six years of talk about light rail up the Northwestern motorway and trams down Glenfield Road, locals finally have sensible and achievable transport projects in the plans that this Government has committed to delivering.
I appreciate there’s a lot more to do locally, and as your local MP, I will continue to advocate for transport improvements – both public transport and roading.
Many of you have raised intersection improvements along Hobsonville Road, the lack of public transport in Scott Point, pedestrian safety improvements along Albany Highway at the top of Unsworth Heights, and the completion of Squadron Drive on and off-ramps on Upper Harbour Highway. I will continue to champion these with NZTA and Auckland Transport at every opportunity.
As well as having the Prime Minister in the electorate last month, I met with Transport and Local Government Minister Simeon Brown at Westgate with that precinct’s frustrated developers, New Zealand Retail Property Group.
The Minister is now fully cognisant of the incomplete transport network here in the northwest, including the need to give the likes of Costco a second motorway entry and exit point at Northside Drive (i.e. complete the overbridge interchange where the pillars stick out of SH16). And of course, fully connecting Upper Harbour Highway with the Northwestern Motorway to avoid the likes of rat running through Whenuapai.
The Northwest has got phenomenal growth forecast in the coming couple of decades including 100,000 more people and 35,000 more homes. Rest assured, I will continue to beat the drum and welcome your observations and solutions.
On a lighter note, recently I was invited onto the television comedy show 7 Days, where they ask ridiculous questions and you’re not allow to answer yes or no. For a laugh at my expense, visit: Cameron Brewer | Yes Minister (
Enjoy the longer days and hopefully the more spring-like weather.
Cameron Brewer | MP for Upper Harbour
P: (09) 416 3249   A: 102c Hobsonville Rd

Invitation: Pizza & Policy Evening

You're warmly invited to join our MP for an update on what's happening in the Beehive. Bring your ideas, and brainstorm with other members on what policy changes you think the Government should be making. The session will be led by National's Upper Harbour Policy Chair, Shelley Pilkington, who also happens to be our Northern Region Policy Chair.
All ideas are welcome but discussion will focus on:
  • The Future of Education & Bridging the Gap into Employment
  • Opportunities & Challenges in an Online World
$5 for pizza, drinks and great policy conversation. You're very welcome to invite a friend who isn't yet a member! 
Monday, 30 September, 6.00-8.00pm, Hobsonville (address supplied after RSVP)

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Cameron Brewer