Cameron Brewer

MP for Upper Harbour

Cameron Brewer was an inaugural Auckland Councillor from 2010 to 2016. For eight years until 2023, he was self-employed, running his own communications consultancy.
In October 2023, Cameron and his team took Auckland's Upper Harbour electorate off Labour with a 11,000-plus majority. Upper Harbour also secured just over 50% of all eligible Party votes.
Before being elected to Auckland Council, Cameron was the chief executive of the Newmarket Business Association for five years, where he advocated strongly for local businesses, and led projects to revitalise Newmarket’s town centre and improve security for retailers.
Born and raised in South Taranaki, Cameron has a Bachelor of Arts from Massey University, Palmerston North.
Dubbed New Zealand's youngest publisher at the time, Cameron established and ran a community newspaper in the 1990s called Inside Otago, before selling it to a business investor. He then worked as a press secretary in the National Party's parliamentary research unit and Leader's Office. He was also press secretary to a former Auckland City Mayor.
Cameron has lived in Auckland’s northwest since 2015. He served on the Rodney Local Board, where he chaired of the Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee from 2016 to 2019.
During his two terms as an Auckland Councillor, Cameron was the chair of the Council’s Business Advisory Forum and Chair of the Planning and Urban Design Panel. He also served as deputy chair of the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board.
Cameron has a daughter and two sons. His partner is Glenn Baillie-Price.


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I’ll strongly advocate for key improvements for Upper Harbour when it comes to things like transport, community infrastructure, and law and order.”

18 March 2025

Brewer's Brief - March 2025

Brewer's Brief - March 2025 Cameron's Column The Reserve Bank’s recent reduction of the Official Cash Rate was great news for many in Upper Harbour.   I have met...


21 February 2025

Brewer's Brief - February 2025

Brewer's Brief - From your Local MP We’re nearly halfway through this Parliamentary term already! Just on that, legislation will be in the House this year...


15 November 2024

Brewer's Banter

From Your Local MP It has been a busy couple of months, with cultural events a big focus most weekends. Locally, we hosted a very successful...


22 October 2024

Brewer's Banter

From your local MP Wow what a year! I am so grateful for all the local support and interaction since being elected as the MP for...