Greg Fleming

MP for Maungakiekie

Greg is in his first term as the Member of Parliament for Maungakiekie. He serves on the Māori Affairs Committee and is Deputy Chair of the Petitions Committee.
In March 2024, the members’ bill in Greg’s name, the Crimes (Increased Penalties for Slavery Offences) Amendment Bill, was drawn from the ballot. The bill aims to strengthen New Zealand’s approach to human trafficking by increasing the penalties for domestic trafficking offences to the same level as international trafficking.
Born in Masterton, Greg attended Wairarapa College and gained a Bachelor of Commerce from Victoria University. He is a Chartered Accountant, beginning his career in London finance, and is a student of te reo Māori.
With 25 years’ experience in the charitable sector, Greg worked to build up enduring community institutions, including The Parenting Place, the Aspiring Leaders Forum, and Te Whakaora Tangata. He also co-founded the Maxim Institute and the Venn Foundation, and most recently Te Wānanga Ihorangi.
Greg’s lived in this community since 1998, where he and his wife Kirstin have raised their five children. In his spare time, he enjoys running up Maungakiekie and picking up cricket, tennis, and golf balls after his kids.

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Government contributes best when it distributes power to the front line—to iwi, hapū, whānau, community organisations, businesses, local schools, and local providers—for it is on the pae, in the vestry, in the school board meeting, and at kitchen tables

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