Carlos Cheung
MP for Mt Roskill
Mt Roskill has been my home for more than 15 years. I live locally with my wife Fiona and five-year-old daughter, Renee.
Prior to entering politics, I completed a PHD at Auckland University specialising in diabetes and cardiac disease research. I am passionate about health, education and law & order.
As your MP for Mt Roskill, it’s my job to champion your views, concerns and recommendations – both locally and nationally – so we can get out community and country back on track.
Since being elected, I’ve visited every junior, intermediate, secondary and special school in Mt Roskill, held public meetings and met with constituents from every corner of our electorate.
My office is located at 8/80 Carr Road, Mt Roskill and is open from 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday. My talented team of Electorate Agents are here to support you.
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“ Mt Roskill is my home and I’m grateful for the opportunity to work here for a National Government that will deliver on the issues that matter most to people, like fixing the cost of living crisis. “
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