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Who we are:
The IndoNats is a special interest group for all people of Indian origin to get involved in the NZ National Party. Our Group runs across all electorates and is not bound by any boundary lines. We Have members all over New Zealand.
From a humble start of around of around 2% or 65,000 of the population to around 5% or around 240,000 migrants of Indian origin in 2018.
It has been estimated that the contribution to the economy by people of Indian origin is over $10 billion.
What we do:
IndoNats and its members work closely with electorates and National Party Members of Parliament. We help in Campaigning and any other support the Party may need for the betterment of the community and the National party.
The IndoNats help and assist in solving and bring to the forefront the issues such as Law and Order, Immigration and other problems which affect the Indian community.
We are in the process of establishing branches in towns and cities all over the country. IndoNats team works tirelessly for the wider community & National party.
We have assisted during busy election times our members have been involved with candidate selection, human hoardings, erecting sings, posters as and where required.
IndoNats have been successfully Organising Fundraising Dinner with Party Leaders and Electorates Then contribute to Party Funds for their Election Needs.
Why you should join IndoNats:
With over 260,000 people of Indian origin living in New Zealand and a high percentage of people in business, we try to spread the awareness about new policies of the government & party in the Indian community and at the same time listen to the concerns, which we then communicate back to our MP’s.
Our team:
Chairperson: Kulwant Singh
Secretary: Akhilesh Chaudhary
Treasurer: Anil Lamba
Chairperson: Pratap Reddy