Zero victims supported by $3 million scheme

04 March 2022

National Party

The fact not one person has been supported by a $3 million fund to help victims makes a mockery of Labour’s election promise to better support victims, National’s Justice spokesperson Paul Goldsmith says.
“The Budget 2021 funding was meant to help victims of serious crime, but nothing has materialised for an increasing number of victims in need.
“With violent crime increasing by 20.6 per cent over the past two years our streets are becoming less safe. The Government’s failure to increase support to the frontline is inexcusable.
“Yet again the Government has proved they are first class at making promises, but third-rate at delivering anything.
“While the Government makes excuses that ‘demand’ for support will increase over time, victims and their families who are suffering right now are missing out.
“A Government that truly put victims at the heart of the criminal justice system would have proactively informed victims of the support.
“Instead the Government expects victims to beg for support they are entitled to.
“Minister Faafoi needs to cut the excuses and actually help victims and their families through traumatic times.”