Tech Summit 2022 backs Kiwi start-ups to take on the world

11 November 2022

National Party

More than 150 of the country’s tech leaders will gather at Future House in Parnell today for the second annual National Party Tech Summit – From Start Up to Scale Up, National’s Research, Science, Innovation, AI, and Technology spokeswoman Judith Collins says.
“New Zealand has proven our success in generating start-ups – but now it’s time for us to scale up.
“This year’s Tech Summit will run a lens over the technology sector and focus on how to create an environment where Kiwi start-ups are supported.
“We want to develop solutions to address the key challenges New Zealand is facing across the social, environmental, economic and health sectors.
“At a time when the cost of living is placing families under pressure, we need an environment that backs the New Zealand technology sector to find cost effective solutions to many of these challenges.
“In New Zealand, it is too hard for a small tech start-up to scale up, which is holding back innovation, growth, success and jobs.”
Ms Collins says the line-up of keynote speakers and panelists, alongside the attendees, will ensure great collaboration as discussions are held on start-ups, product to market, incubators, venture capitalists and the sectors – AI, AgriTech, FinTech, BioTech, University, Industry, and Health. 
“The event recognises the country has some amazing technology businesses, but many are facing some key challenges. We need to better understand what these are, so we know what support is needed to enable our tech businesses to grow and develop.
“The adoption of technology and the support of a vibrant tech sector through an enabling regulatory system, is one of the most important things New Zealand can do to drive productivity and lift incomes.
“New Zealand has laid the foundations of an innovative and world-leading tech sector. It’s now time to take the next step.”