Strobe lights and fog cannons won’t stop ram-raids

26 May 2022

National Party

The Government has been asleep at the wheel in the face of an explosion of ram raids and youth crime in New Zealand, and today’s announcement is too little too late, National’s Police Spokesperson Mark Mitchell says.
“Retail businesses will be deeply disappointed the Government has taken so long just to announce a band-aid solution of only $6 million to go towards strobe lights and fog cannons. It will do little to stop a car from smashing through the front window.
“It has been ten days since Cabinet agreed on funding for ram-raid businesses. The Government claimed that they acted quickly in response to the ram-raids, but businesses who have been raided multiple times will beg to differ.
“Youths stealing cars and driving them into retail premises have been causing thousands of dollars of damage for businesses and communities for months. The Ministers announcement of $6 million won’t stretch very far, forcing some businesses to fend for themselves.
“The Police need to urgently review their pursuit policy - since the change in policy, 83 per cent of fleeing drivers are not getting arrested. Young offenders have realised they can steal a car or flee the scene of a crime without the risk of being pursued or stopped by the Police.
“This announcement was nothing more than a photo opportunity for a Minister who has lost the confidence of the public and the police. Labour is good at announcing funding but fails to deliver better outcomes for New Zealanders.
“Until this Labour Government cracks down on crime, youth offenders, gang members and organised crime groups will continue to behave and act with impunity.”