Removing Children’s Commissioner will be harmful

02 August 2022

National Party

Labour’s plan to remove the Children’s Commissioner will put an increasing number of young people in harm's way, National's Children spokesperson Harete Hipango says.
“A new report has found that the Government’s plan to incorporate the Independent Children’s Monitor of Oranga Tamariki within the Education Review Office contradicts the fierce advocacy the Children’s Commissioner provides.
"The influence of the Commissioner lies in their ability to be a public champion for children. Instead, this Government wants to establish yet another bureaucratic board. Children are not the priority in Labour’s plan.
“The report’s author David King states, “Locating the Monitor so close to the centre of power creates the risk of a vicious cycle of increasing levels of abuse and the potential for abuse to be swept under the carpet”. 
"Everyone, except the Labour Party, thinks this Bill is bad for children. Minister Sepuloni must explain why she is right, and everyone else is wrong.
“The Commissioner has been a respected advocate, shining a light on issues impacting vulnerable children for the past two decades. Their advocacy may have made governments uncomfortable; however, an independent voice should be free, frank and fearless.
"It is astounding that this Government wants to remove the Children's Commissioner when school attendance is at record lows, more than 4,000 children are waking up in motels, and the Prime Minister has failed to deliver on her promises to reduce child poverty.
"This is typical of a Government that simply does not want to be scrutinised or held accountable.
"311 of the 403 select committee submissions opposed the Oversight Bill, and the current Commissioner expressed her disappointment at the Government’s failure to listen to community feedback.
“Instead of working against the Commissioner, Labour should be backing a strong, independent and proven advocate.
“National has pledged to restore the independent Children’s Commissioner if elected to Government in 2023.”