Contracts between Nanaia Mahuta’s husband Gannin Ormsby and the Crown will be investigated by the Public Service Commissioner, National’s Public Service spokesperson Simeon Brown says.
“I wrote to the Public Service Commissioner on two occasions asking for investigations into how the contracts were awarded and how conflicts of interest between Nanaia Mahuta and her husband’s company were handled.
“I am pleased the Public Service Commissioner has agreed to investigate this matter. New Zealanders have a right to know how contracts were awarded to Mr Ormsby when Ms Mahuta was the Associate Minister for three Ministries that entered into contracts with him.
“Conflicts of interest, or even perceived conflicts of interest, can severely undermine public trust and confidence in our democracy and public service.
“An investigation into these contracts will determine whether Kāinga Ora, the Ministry for the Environment, Department of Conservation and Te Puni Kōkiri Ministry of Maōri Development have met the standards of the Public Service Commission so taxpayers can have confidence in the Government’s procurement approach and that any conflicts of interest are managed appropriately.
“National expects this investigation to be full and thorough so New Zealanders can have confidence in the public service and how public contracts are awarded.”