National Leader Christopher Luxon is extending condolences to the whānau of Sir Wira Gardiner following his passing yesterday.
Aue te mamae, te pouri o te ngakau!
Kua hinga te totara o roto o te Waonui o Tane
E te rangatira, Harawira
Kei te tangi, kei te heke nga roimata o te motu.
I te ringa kaha o aitua kua pa mai nei i a koe
Haere, hoki atu ra ki te whaea tuturu a te tangata, a Papatuanuku.
Hikoi to hikoi i roto i nga tapuwae o ratou ma
E tatari ana mou kei tua o te arai
No reira e te poutokomana o te Roopu Nahinara
Te poutokomana o te whanau.
Kua oti pai to mahi i te ao kikokiko.
Ekore e wareware nei i a koe.
Moe mai i to moengaroa.
Haere, takoto, okioki i roto i te aroha o te Ariki.
“Sir Wira was an exceptional man, dedicated to serving New Zealand and making it a better place for all.
“After a distinguished career in the military, he held many roles across both the public and private sectors. He was often called upon to resolve issues that no one else could, particularly when they involved Māori-Crown relationships.
“Part of his legacy will also be his recording of Māori history through the many books he authored.
“Not many people have or will ever make the kind of contribution to this country that Sir Wira did.
“Sir Wira’s passing is a great loss to Māori, to Aotearoa New Zealand and to his iwi and whanau, to whom he was devoted. He will be very missed by all.
“On behalf of the National Party, our thoughts go out to Hekia, his children and the wider whānau at this very sad time.”