National MP’s bill will allow longer post-natal stay in hospital for new mums
21 March 2024
National Party
The Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) (3 Day Postnatal Stay) Amendment Bill, pulled from the ballot today, will offer greater protection and support to new mothers by allowing them three days of post-natal care if wanted or needed, says National MP Catherine Wedd for Tukituki.
“One of the most stressful and emotional experiences for a new mum is making sure that you can care for your newborn while also processing all the information being given to you by your midwife and nurses.
“That is why my Bill will offer new parents greater protection and wrap-around support – by enabling them to receive a minimum of 72 hours post-natal care if desired. It also requires the Lead Maternity Carer to let the mother know what she is eligible for.
“The funding would be ring fenced for post-natal care so that when one mother may choose not to take up the full 72 hours the funding is retained and available for another mum who may need more time.
“I want women to be making informed choices about post-natal care and the first 48 to 72 hours are critical to ensure that mothers form a loving attachment with their newborn baby. Women are currently entitled to up to 48 hours of funded inpatient post-natal care, but many don’t realise this and are pressured to leave early, which is what I personally experienced.
“Giving mothers this extra time and extra flexibility will result in positive outcomes for mother, baby, and family from two to three days in a supportive environment and dedicated facility.
“As a mother of four children myself, I know how important this support is, and I want to make sure that all new mothers can access the support they need.
“For my first child I had a traumatic birth and I personally understand how essential post-natal care is.
“This bill is about standing up for new parents who should have a right to enjoy one of the most special moments of their life. This bill would have benefitted me personally and I hope it will give many other mums better protection and support.”