Labour's winter plan excludes half of New Zealand

09 June 2023

National Party

Labour’s winter preparedness plan has excluded half of New Zealand ahead of a tough winter season, National’s Health spokesperson Dr Shane Reti says.
“Labour has claimed its winter preparedness plan will ease winter pressures on the health system by supporting community care and reducing hospital demand, but questions are raised how this will work when up to 10 regions are excluded.
“Waikato, Tairawhiti, Lakes, Hawkes Bay, Wairarapa, Whanganui, Taranaki, South Canterbury, Nelson Marlborough and the West Coast are excluded from the ‘Winter Plan’, except for the telehealth component.
“Pharmacies in areas like Rotorua and Waikato are angry that vulnerable people in their region won’t be able to access the minor ailments initiative.
“This plan is a hallmark of another hurried and poorly thought-out policy that will not deliver better health outcomes for sick or injured New Zealanders.
“If this is Labour’s only plan for winter, then New Zealanders will see little benefit. What they should have done was open up our immigration settings at the beginning of last year to attract more of the critically needed nurses.
“National knows that workforce is one of the main issues facing the sector and has a plan to deliver more nurses and midwives.
“National will pay nurses’ and midwives’ student loan repayments if they enter a bonding agreement of five years, and make New Zealand a more attractive destination for international nurses.
“National will also fix the economy so that we can invest in our front-line staff to give them the resources they need to deliver better health outcomes for all New Zealanders.”