Labour’s shovel ready projects – not ready

13 March 2023

National Party

Nearly three years on from Labour’s announcement of “shovel ready” infrastructure projects as part of their Covid-19 rebuild plan, just over a third have been completed, National’s Infrastructure spokesperson Chris Bishop says.
“The latest update of the Infrastructure Reference Group on Labour’s ‘shovel-ready’ programme makes for more grim reading. Only 79 of the 224 approved projects have been completed. 
“This is yet another example of Labour’s consistent inability to deliver.
“Despite the criteria for projects needing to be ‘shovel ready’ or likely to be within six to 12 months of the announcement in 2020 – two projects are only due to begin construction this quarter, with another project’s commencement date still to be confirmed.
“Incredibly, one project won’t be completed until 2026 and another, 2030.  
“Rather than being chosen based on their construction readiness, projects were clearly chosen for the political benefit of Labour MPs at the time of the 2020 election.
“Given Labour’s poor track record for delivery to date, the public should expect to see ‘shovel-ready’ projects being built for many years to come.
“Kiwis deserve less spin and more delivery. National will deliver the infrastructure New Zealand needs.”