Labour stores pet projects for another day

08 February 2023

National Party

Chris Hipkins is making up for five years of incompetence and non-delivery by pretending to get rid of Labour’s ideological pet projects, says National Leader Christopher Luxon.
“Chris Hipkins wants Kiwis to think Labour is listening to voters’ concerns about their priorities, but the reality is the Jobs Tax is just being delayed, hate speech legislation is out for more consultation and Three Waters is still happening.
“You can’t trust Labour. The leader may have changed but Labour hasn’t. They’re still obsessed with ideological pet projects, they still have no plan to reduce the cost of living, and they are still addicted to wasteful spending.
“This is deeply cynical politics from a Government that has accomplished little in five years and now wants to pretend they’re listening to the public.
“Labour’s pet projects, which have already wasted tens of millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money, are lurking around the corner after the election. As sure as night follows day they’ll be back on the table if Labour is re-elected in October.
“Kiwis need to know that a vote for Labour is a vote for a Jobs Tax which will be back on the table in 2024, it’s a vote for hate speech legislation being introduced in 2024, and it’s a vote for Three Waters legislation, with co-governance at its heart, stripping local control from communities.
“Chris Hipkins couldn’t be trusted to deliver for Kiwis when he was a key member of Ardern’s government supporting all these policies. He’s shown today he cannot be trusted to deliver the things that matter to Kiwis full stop.
“New Zealand needs more than a Labour Government who have changed leader and woken up to the fact the country is going backwards.
“They need a National Government that knows what it stands for, won’t abandon its programme in an election year and will deliver results so that all New Zealanders get ahead.
“National will address the cost of living, lift incomes, restore law and order, build infrastructure and deliver better health and education.
“National will repeal Labour’s Three Waters, stop Labour’s hate speech legislation and axe Labour’s Jobs Tax once and for all.”