The Government’s decision to vote down the Public Finance (Prohibition on Providing Public Funds to Gangs) Amendment Bill is another example showing Labour is completely out of touch when it comes to gangs, says National MP Simeon Brown.
“Last week the Police Minister rejected the premise that gang tensions have increased under the Government’s watch, despite evidence to the contrary. Since Labour took office, gang membership has risen by over 40 per cent and violent crime has risen by 21 per cent.
“National wants to stop gangs and our Bill would have made it an offence for anyone to pay money, directly or indirectly, to an entity knowing that it is a gang.
“For example, it would have prevented the Government from giving $2.75 million of taxpayer money to a ‘meth rehabilitation programme’ run by lifetime Mongrel Mob member Harry Tam as they did last year.
“Not only has Labour’s soft approach to crime emboldened gangs and seen violent crime escalate, they seem to think it’s fine to give taxpayer money to programmes run by gang members.
“A District Court judge questioned the validity and merits of the Hard 2 Reach programme, considering that one of its programme leaders, Sonny Smith, is President of the Notorious chapter of the Mongrel Mob which peddles meth every day.
“It beggars belief that instead of using the Proceeds of Crime Fund to address the harm caused by gangs, the Government continues to defend giving $2.75 million from the fund to Mongrel Mob members who have left many victims in their wake.
“National agrees with the Police Association who likened this decision to money laundering, with money confiscated from gangs with one hand and given back with another.
“National is the party of law and order. We won’t be sitting down and having cups of tea with gangs. We back our Police to enforce the law and support organisations like the Salvation Army who have a proven track record of helping people get help for their addictions.
“There should be no place for the funding of gangs in New Zealand.”