Despite overwhelming opposition to its Three Waters reforms, the Government has failed to use the opportunity to listen and make material changes to the Bill, National’s Local Government spokesperson Simon Watts says.
“The Government has not made any significant changes to improve its broken Three Waters model.
“The Bill that has come back to Select Committee today shows Labour still isn’t listening.
“Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta gave assurances that they would consider the alternative Three Waters model proposed by the Auckland, Christchurch and Waimakariri mayors.
“I lodged a motion in select committee last week to extend our deliberations in order to properly consider the mayors’ proposal, but Labour MPs used their majority to block the motion - ensuring the Bill would be sent back to the House without adequately considering the new proposal.
“It shows that Jacinda Ardern and Nanaia Mahuta's promises of consideration and open dialogue with mayors about their alternatives are just talk. Labour has no intention of making any real changes to their reforms.
“The Government is intent on ploughing ahead with their highly-centralised, co-governed mega-entities, no matter how strong the public opposition is. Labour wants this Bill passed and out of the public eye as soon as possible.
“National would work with communities to develop solutions that work for them, instead of going from the top down. We will repeal Labour's Three Waters disaster.”