Labour spinning shameful benefit numbers

22 March 2023

National Party

While Minister Carmel Sepuloni is bragging about people moving off benefits, she completely failed to mention it’s only because benefit numbers have been at record highs, National’s Social Development and Employment spokesperson Louise Upston says.
“Minister Sepuloni also forgot to mention that there are almost 70,000 more Kiwis on a benefit compared to when she started in the job almost six years ago, including almost 50,000 more on Jobseeker.
“There are worker shortages in every part of the country and every sector of the economy. Businesses are crying out for staff, with many having to shut their doors because they don’t have the workers.
“We should be seeing benefit numbers hitting record lows. Instead, one in nine working age Kiwis are dependent on taxpayers for an income.
“One worrying trends the Minister conveniently glossed over is that the percentage of people returning to a benefit within 13 weeks after leaving it has increased over the last year to 22 per cent.
“Another that is equally concerning is the increase in the expected time someone will spend on a benefit during their working life. Since Labour took office it has jumped from 10.7 years to 12.8 years.
“Labour’s approach to making welfare dependency the rational choice for tens of thousands more Kiwi adults will have dire consequences for a generation of children, with 35,000 more kids growing up in benefit dependent homes than five years ago.
“While Labour spins and fails to deliver, National has a plan. Our Welfare that Works policy sees young jobseekers receive a proper needs assessment, a plan to address any barriers to work, job coaching from community organisations and apply a reward/sanction approach where warranted.
“We need greater for accountability for those who are receiving benefits and refusing to find work. If Labour can’t get people off welfare and into work when Kiwi businesses are desperate for staff, when will they?”