Labour’s spinning is out of control

17 April 2023

National Party

The number of communications staff working in the core public service has topped 500, an increase of more than 50 per cent since Labour took office, National’s Public Service spokesperson Simeon Brown says.
“Labour’s spinning is out of control, trying to cover up the cracks of their failure to deliver for the past six years.
“Since 2017 the total number of communications staff and contractors employed in the core public service has increased by almost 200, hitting 532 in 2022.
“The figure is only part of the story as it excludes many agencies such as ACC, Kāinga Ora and Waka Kotahi. Te Whatu Ora (Health NZ) recently confirmed it had almost 200 communications staff.
“Last year Labour promised it would review the number of people employed in government communications teams under their watch.
“However, despite many core public service departments adhering to changes in how the Public Services Commission defines communications staff to remove some roles from the category, Labour still managed to increase the communications headcount by 7.5 per cent between 2021 and 2022.
“The bulk of the increase in spin doctors came when Chris Hipkins was Public Services Minister. Mr Hipkins also infamously claimed that removing the cap on public servants would lead to less spending on consultants, but instead stood by as consultant spending rose by hundreds of millions of dollars a year.
“While services and outcomes continue to get worse every day under Labour, the number of spin doctors in Wellington is reaching new astronomical highs.
“Instead of spending Kiwi’s hard-earned taxpayers’ dollars on more communications staff, National would focus on reducing the cost of living, lifting incomes for all, building important infrastructure that Kiwis want for the future, restoring law and order and delivering better health and education outcomes.
“New Zealanders want a government that delivers services and outcomes on the frontline, not just spin. If National is elected in October, we ensure public service resources are focused on addressing the issues facing New Zealanders.”