Labour’s ITPs consultant gravy train continues

30 May 2023

National Party

Budget documents show Labour is continuing to spend millions on consultants rather than helping industries to grow and boost our economy, National’s Economic Development Spokesperson Michael Woodhouse says.
“In 2019 Labour established the Industry Transformation Plans (ITPs) which Minister David Parker said would grow and transform sectors of the economy.
“However last month National revealed the only thing the ITPs had actually achieved in four years was a handful of documents that cost $38 million (or $75,000 per page ) and lined the pockets of consultants to the tune of $4.4 million.
“In Budget 2023 an additional $75 million has been allocated to the ITPs – bringing the total budgeted cost to well over $200 million.
“The ITPs are yet another example of Labour’s wasteful spending. At a time when New Zealanders are struggling with the cost of living and wondering how they are going to pay for their groceries, rents and mortgages – Labour is spending up large on paperwork.
“Industries know what they need, which is for the Government to set a nimble regulatory framework that allows Kiwi businesses to compete and grow, and then get out of the way.
“Where Labour has failed, National will deliver.  We will back businesses, cut red tape and ensure they have the workforce that they need.
“A National Government will fix the economy to reduce the cost of living, lift incomes and afford the public services Kiwis deserve.”