Labour’s approach to beneficiaries has failed

20 April 2023

National Party

The latest Ministry of Social Development data released today shows Labour’s inability to get people off welfare, despite continuous labour shortages across the country, National’s Social Development and Employment spokesperson Louise Upston says. 
“Instead of making the most of the thousands of vacancies existing in New Zealand, Labour has delivered almost 50,000 more people on the Jobseeker benefit since it took office in 2017.
“Labour has failed to connect tens of thousands of Jobseeker beneficiaries with businesses crying out for workers.
“Labour is wasting a golden opportunity to break the cycle of benefit dependency for thousands of Kiwi families.
“Clearly something is badly wrong with Labour’s approach to welfare.
“With the threat of recession looming, the golden opportunity is almost gone and it is vulnerable New Zealanders who are going to suffer.
“While Labour fails to act, National has a plan. Our Welfare that Works plan will see young jobseekers receive a proper needs assessment, a plan to address any barriers to work and job coaching from community organisations to break the cycle of dependency. It will also involve sanctions for those who wilfully don’t engage with their plan.
“Unlike Labour, we are not content to squander the potential of a generation of New Zealanders stuck on a benefit. National will work with young Jobseekers one-by-one to enable them to reap the independence and opportunities a job provides.”