Labour haven’t learnt a single lesson

01 December 2024

Nicola Willis

Labour haven’t learnt a single lesson
Chris Hipkins must not think much of Kiwis’ memories based on the spiel he gave at the Labour Party Conference this afternoon, National’s Finance Spokesperson Nicola Willis says.
“Labour is like a bad boyfriend that says they’ll change but keeps doing the same old stuff,” Ms Willis says.
“Mr Hipkins was clear that his Party would trudge on with a swathe of failed ideas that got our economy into a mess.
“After increasing spending by 80 per cent and somehow delivering worse outcomes across the board, it was astounding to see Chris Hipkins asking Kiwis to trust Labour again.
“One thing that was clear is that another Labour Government would be bigger on spending than the last, and hard-working Kiwis would pay for it through higher taxes.
“Labour’s belief we could tax our way into prosperity is a continuation of the economic illiteracy that delivered high inflation, a shrinking economy and spiralling debt over their time in office.
“It used to be that Labour was for working people. Now it wants to tax everything working people have worked for.
“Instead of using government as an opportunity to unleash New Zealanders’ potential with more jobs, higher incomes and the opportunity to create wealth for their kids, Labour would use it to develop convoluted new taxes which will make Kiwis poorer.
“National will not tax Kiwis’ ambition with a capital gains tax or a wealth tax. Instead, we have delivered tax relief and taken bold action to rebuild our economy by slashing red tape, stopping wasteful spending and boosting trade and investment.”