Kiwis can’t trust Labour on tax

02 May 2022

National Party

New Zealanders could face new taxes after the Prime Minister today refused to rule out a wealth tax, National’s Finance Spokesperson Nicola Willis says.
“Despite telling New Zealanders during the 2020 election that she would not implement a wealth tax as long as she is Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern is now signalling a U-turn on that promise.
“She was elected on a platform of no new taxes. But all Labour has done since they came into office is increase taxes – there’s the regional fuel tax, the brightline extension, the removal of interest deductibility on rentals, the new 39 per cent income tax rate, the proposed light rail tax and the jobs tax proposal.
“And today, she has left the door wide open to even more new taxes on Kiwi households and businesses.
“Labour is addicted to spending and is now looking for any excuse to load more taxes on Kiwi households and businesses to pay for it.
“The writing is on the wall. David Parker is collecting wealth data and is talking about wealth taxes.
“Large numbers of Kiwis could be caught in the net, with the Green Party’s wealth tax proposal capturing households with homes valued at $1 million or more - now the average house price.
“We need a tax system that is fair. We need a Government that is up front with New Zealanders.
“New Zealanders simply cannot trust Labour on tax. National is the party of lower taxes, because we believe everyone succeeds when Kiwis keep and spend more of their own money.”