Govt to steamroll ahead with Three Waters

21 March 2022

National Party

A move to progress the Three Waters asset grab before legislation has even reached Parliament shows that the Government’s arrogance knows no bounds, National’s Local Government spokesperson Simon Watts says.
On Friday 18 March, the Government’s Three Waters National Transition Unit (NTU) provided notice that it would establish a panel of service providers to progress the transition to the four new water service entities proposed to take control of Three Waters. 
“The decision to move forward with a transition and engage external providers before the Government has even taken a bill to Parliament or finished consulting councils is the height of arrogance,” Mr Watts says. 
“Public feedback toward the Government’s Three Waters asset grab has been overwhelmingly negative, yet the Government is wedded to its belief that ‘Wellington knows best’ and intent on steamrolling ahead with its plans.
“This is just the latest example. Cabinet papers showed that Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta had already committed to the “all in” reforms last July months before consultation with councils even began.
“With this move, the Minister is once again showing Labour’s Three Waters plans were a forgone conclusion right from the beginning.
“The Government needs to halt its asset grab plans and go back to the drawing board. Focusing on solutions that work with councils, like encouraging them to collaborate, contract and form CCOs as National has suggested, would be a good place to start.”