Government too busy to consider 5000 new homes

20 April 2022

National Party

The Government needs to properly explain why it has turned down a proposal to fast-track the building of 5000 new homes in Papakura, says National’s Housing spokesperson Chris Bishop.
Winton’s Sunfield proposal involved a 5,000 home neighbourhood designed for around 15,000 people. Winton applied under the Urban Development Act for special Development Project status, which would have helped fast-track the development.
Housing Minister Megan Woods and Finance Minister Grant Robertson have turned down the application.
“The letter from Ministers Woods and Robertson declining the request makes for bizarre reading. Basically, Kainga Ora is too busy to properly engage in the process. What are the extra 1700 Kainga Ora staff hired under this Government doing?
“Having passed the Urban Development Act to facilitate large developments, the Government is now turning down proposals that seek to take advantage of the very law it passed.
“Our housing challenges won’t be solved if Ministers will not properly consider developments like Sunfield.
“Ministers need to front-up and explain why they have said no to fast-tracking 5000 new homes that would have created thousands of jobs. The fact that Kainga Ora is busy isn’t a good enough reason.
“Instead of buying up existing homes and outbidding first home buyers, this Government should be able to justify its decisions. It should set a clear framework for fast-tracking, not just decide it can’t be bothered.”