Government must rule out new taxes

22 February 2023

National Party

Now is not the time for new taxes and the Government should be upfront about whether it plans to introduce them, National’s Finance spokesperson Nicola Willis says.
“National stands with all communities devastated by Cyclone Gabrielle. We support everyone working to respond to the ongoing emergency and we applaud the commitment to fund a full rebuild. It’s the right thing to do.
“However, we are also conscious that Kiwis remain caught in a cost-of-living crisis. We are alarmed by the suggestion that the Government could impose a new ‘cyclone’ tax on New Zealanders to fund the rebuild.
“It is simply irresponsible for Ministers to be plotting another tax grab at this difficult time.
“Instead, the Government should bring discipline to its own spending, dump expensive pet political projects like Auckland Light Rail, and focus on getting infrastructure built more efficiently. 
“In a crisis the Government’s first port of call should not be the back pockets of cash-strapped Kiwis.
“National remains committed to reducing the income tax you pay, building and repairing the infrastructure New Zealand needs and managing government finances responsibly.”