Alarming new data shows that gang membership in New Zealand has hit its highest level ever recorded, National’s Police spokesperson Mark Mitchell says.
“The National Gang List grew by 338 members between 31 August and 31 October – nearly six new gang members every single day.
“Total gang members are now sitting at 8,357, representing a 56 per cent increase since 2017.
“It couldn’t be clearer that this soft-on-crime Labour Government has failed to keep gangs under control, and tougher measures are needed to get on top of the problem.
"Chris Hipkins was put in charge of Police to ‘refocus’ the portfolio. Instead, he has delivered a record number of gang members and failed to stem the tidal wave of ram-raids afflicting Kiwi businesses and families.
"Labour continues to shift the blame and do nothing instead of getting tougher on gang members who peddle misery in our communities.
“This Government has presided over an alarming escalation of crime in New Zealand over the last five years. To continue to deny it reinforces how soft on crime they are.”
Unlike Labour, National is backing our frontline Police officers and would give them four new tools to make their jobs easier. National would:
* Ban gang patches, which have been the recent fuel for the worst gun violence seen in New Zealand.
* Give police non-association powers to prevent gang members from communicating and planning criminal activity.
* Allow police to issue dispersal notices where gang members come together in public to intimidate, threaten and sometimes assault members of the public.
* Give police the warrantless search powers they need to take the guns out of the hands of violent armed gang members.