Gang Numbers Continue to Explode Under Labour

02 December 2021

National Party

The number of gang members has nearly doubled in the last five years with the Government doing little to stop it, says National’s Police spokesperson Simeon Brown.
“Our streets are becoming less safe with gang numbers exploding to over 8,000 members – an increase of almost 4,000 in five years.
“While gang numbers have increased, they have also become more violent and the Government has failed to take action to arrest this sharp increase.
“The Government promised 1,800 additional Police over three years, but have failed to deliver on this.
“The Government also promised 700 additional Police who would target organised crime and gangs, but have so far only delivered 300 of these officers.
“The Government once again promised in May this year to introduce legislation to give Police more powers to take guns off gangs, but still haven’t introduced this into Parliament.
“Kiwis have had enough of this Government, who instead of getting tough on gangs, grants them $2.75 million through the Proceeds of Crime Fund.
“National is the Party of law and order and we will not tolerate gangs causing harm and stirring up fear in our communities”.