With food price inflation hitting even higher highs, the Government must prioritise tax relief in next week’s Budget, National finance spokesperson Nicola Willis says.
The latest data from Stats NZ shows food inflation has hit a fresh high of 12.5 per cent - the highest level since 1987.
“The cost-of-living crisis is gate-crashing Grant Robertson’s Budget for the second year in a row. Kiwi budgets are being crushed by the rising cost of everything and there’s still no sign Labour has put together a plan to fix the problem,” Ms Willis says.
“These numbers are further evidence of domestic inflation sinking its teeth into the New Zealand economy.
“Eggs, potato chips and yoghurt are all identified by Stats NZ as major contributors to rising food price inflation. Produce prices have also continued to soar, with fruit and vegetables up 22.5 per cent. Household budgets just have nowhere to hide.
“In the next week, we’ll hear the same tired, old lines from Labour. Mr Robertson will desperately try to blame events overseas while doing nothing to fix the underlying drivers of inflation.
“After two years of that failed spin-job, it’s clear the country needs a fresh approach. National has a plan to beat inflation, restore discipline to government spending, and lift incomes for all.”