Farmer confidence at all time low

08 February 2023

National Party

Farmer confidence has hit a record low under Labour, indicating a seismic disconnect between the rural sector and the Government, National’s Agriculture spokesperson Todd Muller says.
“The latest Federated Farmers survey showed 65.2 per cent of farmers consider the current economic conditions to be bad. That’s 17.4 points worse than the survey in July last year.
“The survey results are not surprising when Labour has hammered farmers with regulations and red tape and flip-flopped on agriculture emissions,” Mr Muller says.
“There is a new Labour leader, but it is the same old Labour whose policies are ill-informed, rushed and show little regard for farmer practicalities.
“Rural communities are the backbone of our country. New Zealand farms produce enough to feed 50 million people and generate $52 billion in exports. Our food and fibre are amongst the world's highest quality and lowest carbon.
“But instead of building on New Zealand’s proud agricultural record, Labour is tearing it apart.
“National backs farmers. We will continue working with them on a plan to reduce emissions without decimating their livelihoods.
“We want a solution that drives technological change to reduce emissions and doesn't just send production and jobs offshore where farm emissions will be higher.
“National would allow farmers to earn revenue from all forms of on-farm carbon capture. It is unfair to add extra costs to farmers without allowing them to earn extra income from their on-farm planting and carbon capture.
“We will get alongside New Zealand’s farmers and rural communities to find an enduring solution that works for everyone.”