Cut isolation times and institute test-to-work for all

26 August 2022

National Party

The Government should move as quickly as possible to cut the Covid-19 isolation period down to five days and institute a proper ‘test-to-work’ regime, National’s Covid-19 spokesperson Chris Bishop says.
“Work by Covid-19 Modelling Aotearoa shows that reducing the isolation period for Covid-19 – and adding a "test-to-release" policy – could cut the risk of community transmission and enable many people to return to public life earlier.
“National has called for a five-day isolation period, in line with CDC guidance, since February when we launched our plan for Omicron,” Mr Bishop says.
“The Government has waited too long already, just like they did with getting vaccines and rapid antigen tests into the country.
“National has also repeatedly called for a proper test-to-work regime. Currently, only household contacts of Covid-19 cases who are critical workers can use a rapid antigen test to prove their negative status before going to work.
“We have always maintained that in the current economic conditions, all workers are critical and should be able to access the scheme.
“With businesses around the country crying out for workers and suffering from staff shortages, there is no time to waste. The Government should loosen the rules around household contacts and allow all workers the ability to test-to-work.”