Coffers full, but still no support for squeezed middle

05 May 2022

National Party

Treasury data showing the Government has collected nearly $3 billion more in tax revenue than expected proves there’s room for tax relief, National’s Finance spokesperson Nicola Willis says.
“With inflation roaring, it’s clear Kiwis need relief. But despite billions more in tax revenue, Grant Robertson is refusing to adjust tax brackets for inflation. The squeezed middle is being left behind.
“It’s remarkable that despite collecting nearly $3 billion more in tax revenue than had been forecast, Labour is still having to push out the return to surplus by another year. It shows just how addicted to spending this Government has become – Kiwis are paying more tax than ever, but debt keeps climbing.
“With inflation running laps around wages, Kiwis are falling further and further behind because Labour has no plan for the economy.
“The Government should adopt National’s plan to adjust tax brackets for inflation, which would see a household on an average income receive $1600 a year in tax relief.”