Budget offers no hope for struggling Kiwis

27 April 2023

National Party

Hard-working New Zealanders face another year of struggle under Labour, with no tax relief coming despite the prolonged cost of living crisis, National’s Finance spokesperson Nicola Willis says.
“New Zealanders looking for signs of hope in the Prime Minister's remarks today will be disappointed. Kiwi workers have been hit by surging prices and interest rates and are paying more tax than ever. They deserve to keep more of what they earn. Labour is denying them that yet again.
“Mr Hipkins' belated admission the Government needs to bring discipline back to its own spending will mean little to all those New Zealanders already suffering from Labour's legacy of high inflation and rising interest rates.
“This will be the sixth budget from Labour without any adjustment to tax brackets. This is despite rocketing inflation and the Government finding billions to fund consultants, light rail, and bureaucratic restructures.
“New Zealanders are stumping up an extra $43 billion a year in tax, yet still Labour won’t offer relief.
“As if this wasn’t enough bad news, there is still the threat of new taxes from Labour later this year, with the Prime Minister refusing to rule them out when asked.
“Rather than publicly flirting with new ways to take even more from taxpayers, the Government should be bringing discipline to its own spending so it can deliver tax relief.
“National will deliver tax relief for lower and middle-income earners by adjusting tax brackets for inflation. We will also introduce the Family Boost childcare tax rebate of up to $75 a week for families with children in early childhood education.
“Our plan will mean a single person on the average wage will keep $800 more a year. A household of average earners with young children would be $90 a week better off under our plan.
“Labour has consistently refused to give Kiwis back more of what they earn, despite a crushing cost of living crisis. Their sixth budget deserves to be their last.”