Benefit numbers projected to rise

30 May 2023

National Party

The Budget shows a concerning rise in benefit numbers in the next two years, National’s Social Development and Employment spokesperson Louise Upston says.
“Treasury is forecasting an extra 33,000 New Zealanders to be added to the Jobseeker benefit in the next two years.
“With this new forecast, Labour would have delivered more than 81,000 extra New Zealanders on a Jobseeker benefit compared to when it first took office in 2017.
“Labour had a golden opportunity over the last few years to connect people on Jobseeker with the thousands of businesses crying out for workers around the country.
“Now with tens of thousands more expected to be on Jobseeker, that opportunity has been wasted.
“Labour needs to take responsibility for forcing taxpayers to pay for widespread benefit dependency instead of encouraging the individuals to go into work.
“While Labour creates an environment of benefit dependency, National has a plan.
“Our Welfare that Works plan would break the cycle of dependency by powering up community organisations to deliver individualised support to young Jobseekers while setting clear obligations about the need to prepare themselves for work.”