Labour’s announcement that they are increasing the Ute Tax to pay for wealthy kiwis to continue to get subsidies for Teslas is a kick in the guts for Kiwi farmers and tradies, National’s Transport spokesperson Simeon Brown says.
“These changes have come about because of the failure of Labour’s Clean Car Discount scheme having spent over $200 million more in subsidies than it took in taxes.
“Tens of millions of dollars in subsidies has been handed out to wealthy people buying Teslas, using money paid for by farmers and tradies that have been working hard keeping our economy moving.
“Now those farmers and tradies will have to pay even more for Labour’s failed policies with higher penalties on utes and light commercial vehicles.
“This is a kick in the guts for our farmers and tradies who rely on utes for their jobs and don’t have alternative EV vehicles they can buy.
“Chris Hipkins’ says his Government is focussed on ‘the basics’, yet Labour will continue subsidising wealthy people to buy Teslas while increasing taxes on our farmers and tradies.
“This doesn’t sound like a bread and butter Government to me.
“National will axe Labour’s Ute Tax, end subsidies for people buying Teslas and work with the vehicle importation industry to put in place sensible long term policies which reduce our emissions while allowing kiwis to continue getting the vehicles they need.”