A new National for New Zealand

06 December 2021

National Party

National Party Leader Christopher Luxon has today announced a new National for New Zealand – a fresh, energised alternative government ready to deliver for Kiwis in 2023.
“The line-up I’m announcing today is based on merit and matches people to their strengths and skill sets,” Mr Luxon says.
“My Shadow Cabinet leverages the wealth of talent and depth of real-world experience across the National Caucus team.
“I have deliberately selected a Shadow Cabinet of 20 members to match the Government’s Cabinet. I’m confident that when you put any of National’s Shadow Ministers against their Labour counterparts, you’ll see that National’s MPs have the deep experience, the political skills, the work ethic and the intellectual grunt to come out on top every time.
“We will be a Government-in-waiting that will relentlessly hold this spin-heavy and PR-driven Government to account, and focus on proposing detailed, constructive and intellectually rigorous solutions.”
“New Zealanders deserve so much more than they’re currently getting from Labour. They deserve more than a government of rhetoric.
“The National Government I lead will be a government of action.
“We are the ambitious, future-focused alternative that New Zealand needs. From now, our singular priority every day will be working hard to earn Kiwis’ trust and confidence so we can get to the Beehive in 2023 and deliver for them.”
You can view the new Caucus line up here or view a PDF here.