Our PlanSchools and HealthcareNational’s Literacy Guarantee
National’s Literacy Guarantee
National’s Literacy Guarantee
Under a National Government, every child will learn to read using the proven “structured literacy” approach in order to turn around declining educational achievement and give all kids the best chance of success in life.
Reading is the key to unlocking the rest of the school curriculum and achieving success in other subjects. But New Zealand’s literacy rates have been steadily declining in recent decades.
Currently, after eight years of schooling, only 56 per cent of pupils are able to read as well as they should for their age. Students in low decile schools are almost two years behind their high decile counterparts.
This is unacceptable to parents, and to National. A National Government will not continue to do what isn’t working. Ensuring children learn to read, write and communicate effectively from an early age is critical to their life prospects.
Mountains of evidence shows that structured literacy is the most effective method to equip children with strong reading skills. However, not all schools currently use it.
National will ensure every child learns to read using structured literacy by making it a requirement at primary school.
National’s Literacy Guarantee
- Teach every child to read using structured literacy by making it a requirement at primary school.
- Introduce short phonics checks for year two students to inform parents and teachers about each child’s reading progress.
- Provide structured literacy intervention for learners who need extra support.
- Ensure teachers get training on how to use the structured literacy approach.
National’s Literacy Guarantee builds on our Teaching the Basics Brilliantly plan to lift achievement and restore excellence in our education system, which includes:
- An hour each of reading, writing and maths every day.
- Minimum requirements in the curriculum for what schools must teach every year in reading, writing, maths and science.
- Regular standardised assessment and clear reporting to parents.
- Better training and more tools to support teachers.