Our PlanMore PoliciesDelivering better social housing
Delivering better social housing
Delivering better social housing
National will deliver better social housing as part of its plan to end Labour’s housing crisis.
Under Labour, rents are up $175 per week, the social housing waitlist has increased by almost 20,000, nearly 500 families live in cars, and the Government has spent $1.4 billion to house people in emergency housing motels.
National is determined to end the large-scale use of emergency housing by working with Community Housing Providers to build more social houses.
National will:
- Increase the number of Social Housing places, and support Community Housing Providers to grow by providing capital and operational funding and long-term contracts.
- Put families in emergency housing motels and cars at the front of the queue for social housing, by establishing a new Priority One category on the Social Housing Register.
- Clean up Kāinga Ora by introducing consultation requirements for new developments, directing it to evict unruly tenants, ensuring it improves services for tenants, and driving efficiencies to lower the time and cost of building new state houses.
National will also commission an independent review of Kāinga Ora’s finances, procurement, development, and asset management practices within 100 days of taking office.
Delivering Better Social Housing is part of National’s plan to build more houses, take pressure off rents and end New Zealand’s housing crisis.