As summer comes to an end, I made the most out of the warmer weather and focused on getting out and about within the electorate. But there were also some big announcements along the way...
- Starting February off strong, I joined Minister of Transport Chris Bishop, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, and Christchurch Mayor Phil Mauger to announce upgrades to Brougham Street including an overbridge between Collins and Simon streets. I'm proud that our National Government is powering up the economic engine of Christchurch by prioritising upgrades to SH76 Brougham Street as a Road of Regional Significance, with construction expected to begin by the middle of the year. I know how important this route is for the residents of Banks Peninsula, and I am pleased to provide constituents with certainty that our Government hears their concerns and is going to deliver for them. Following on from this, I joined the Minister of Transport Chris Bishop for another tour of the Christchurch Youth Hub. Stage One includes a wrap-around youth services building, outdoor activities courtyard and a supported housing wing for 22 youth.
- I was honoured to spend Waitangi Day at the Ōnuku marae with Prime Minister Christopher Luxon. Onūku Marae holds a special place in New Zealand's history, as it is where Ngāi Tahu chiefs signed the Treaty in 1840. Everyone joined together for kai and shared ideas on how we can make New Zealand an even better place to live. I am honoured to represent the Banks Peninsula electorate, and in my humble opinion the best electorate in the country.
- Joined Minister of the South Island James Meager at the Ario scooters launch in Christchurch city centre. Ario is investing in NZ and in the South Island. Christchurch is the first and only city to offer a licence to Ario to operate and they use self-parking technology to try and minimise the hassle of scooters parked all over the road. They’re also innovating new ways to increase accessibility and mobility for disabled users which is fantastic for getting more Kiwis to where they need to get to, faster.
- Spent the day in Hawkes Bay with Catherine Wedd MP for Tukituki. We visited Plant and Food Research to understand the amazing work they have been doing to develop new fruit varieties which can grow faster, yield better, are more pest resistant and need less nitrate. I also joined Catherine in Christchurch to visit the Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa clinic. The team there are doing an amazing job providing a place to come for affordable, confidential, non-judgemental sexual and reproductive health care.
- Joined my BlueGreen colleagues in Methven for their annual forum. This year’s conference was all about sharing ideas, discussing policies, and working towards a sustainable future for New Zealand. I'm a big believer in achieving economic growth while also improving and protecting our environment for future generations.
- Visited Hillmorton Hospital along with Minister of Mental Health Matt Doocey. We spoke to new staff from the Specialist Mental Health Service Units about mental health prevention and some of the fantastic initiatives they are starting.
- Spent the afternoon with Ilam MP Hamish Campbell meeting the team from Hills Lab and Enable Fibre Broadband. It was good to pop on a lab coat again and to chat with the staff, learn more about their work, and see the facilities.
- Had a brilliant morning with the new Minister for ACC, Commerce and Consumer Affairs Scott Simpson. I took him to The Tannery to see the unique boutique shopping offered in Woolston. The Banks Peninsula SuperBlues were also honoured to have him as a guest speaker at their morning tea.
- Enjoyed being back at Christchurch Hospital with Minister of Health Simeon Brown. It was great to visit old colleagues and speak with frontline doctors and nurses. Kiwis deserve access to the best healthcare in the world, and ensuring our hospitals operate efficiently and deliver services to a high standard is key to making this happen.

Community Update:
I hosted my first pub politics for the year at The Old Vicarage Cafe, Restaurant & Bar. This was a perfect opportunity to hear from a few people within the Halswell and Cashmere communities about a few issues that are affecting them and letting them know how I can advocate on their behalf as their local MP.
On that note, I’m seeking public feedback on getting part of Banks Peninsula registered as a Dark Sky Reserve. Dark Sky Reserves are important for many reasons including protecting the night sky from light pollution. They are also essential for astronomy and education, along with for our cultural and natural heritages. They also help with the health of people and wildlife. Many animals rely on natural patterns of light and dark to navigate and to live their lives. Dark Sky Reserves offer people a unique experience which can contribute to sustainable tourism and enhance local economies.
Please come along on Saturday 29th March at 1pm at the Akaroa Bowling Club or on Sunday 30th March at 1pm at the Birdlings Flat Community Hall to ask questions and get involved in the project. For more information, email
Please come along on Saturday 29th March at 1pm at the Akaroa Bowling Club or on Sunday 30th March at 1pm at the Birdlings Flat Community Hall to ask questions and get involved in the project. For more information, email
To keep up to date with everything about this, follow me on social media:
Facebook: Instagram: @vanessaweeninkbankspeninsulamp
Banks Peninsula National Party Update:
Held a very successful and special fundraiser for our wonderful Banks Peninsula members with Akaroa Dolphins. Thanks to everyone who attended and to Hugh Waghorn and the Akaroa Dolphin team for such a great event.
Especially, loved hanging out with Albie, an English Springer Spaniel, who enjoys sticking his head over the side of the boat to watch dolphins play in the water.

National News:
- More tools for businesses to deal with retail crime: The Government is clamping down on retail crime by giving businesses more powers to detain those stealing from them. (Beehive PR)
- 76 gang patches seized by Police under new law: In the three months since the Government’s new gang laws came into effect, Police have seized 76 patches, 67 firearms, and laid 337 charges for insignia breaches. (Beehive PR)
- Violent crime drops for the first time since 2018: Police data shows that violent crime has fallen for the first time since 2018, indicating that the Government’s tough-on-crime and victims-first approach is working. (Beehive PR)
- Four-year term legislation to be introduced: The Government has agreed to introduce legislation that will enable a four-year term of Parliament subject to a referendum. (Beehive PR)
- The Government is delivering on its commitment to fix New Zealand’s broken healthcare system by ensuring Kiwis get better access to healthcare:
- 100 clinical placements for overseas-trained doctors to work in primary care.
- Incentives for primary care to recruit up to 400 graduate registered nurses per year for three years.
- A new 24/7 digital service for all New Zealanders to be able to access online medical appointments.
- Health New Zealand providing a $285 million uplift for general practice over three years.
Out and About in Banks Peninsula:
· Went along to Cholmondeley Night on the Sea kindly supported by the Royal New Zealand Navy. It was a stunning event celebrating 100 years of Cholmondeley and an impressive display by our Navy staff from Commanders to trainees.
· Headed over to Akaroa to have a stakeholder meeting about making part of Banks Peninsula a Dark Sky Reserve. After, I spoke at the Banks Peninsula Community Board meeting about my idea about turning Banks Peninsula into a Dark Sky Reserve.
· Celebrated the unveiling of the Port Hills four new early detection fire sensors which been installed along the Port Hills, by Summit Road. A fantastic initiative and timing as the ceremony marked a year since the February 14th Port Hills Fire.
· Went along to the Christchurch Adventure Park for Crankworx. This redemption series of races was cancelled last year due to the wildfires. So, it was great to see the park thriving and it was a fantastic day for it.
· Met with Joe Davies, Councilor for ECan and Chair of The Avon-Heathcote Estuary Ihutai Trust.
· Visited Redcliffs School to see how Term 1 has been going for the students and staff.
· Went along to the Halswell Residents AGM and spoke about some of the projects I have underway.
· Participated in RŪNĀ Moanamana Hui at Naval Point Yacht Club. Everyone got to experience monitoring intertidal communities (marine metre squared), environmental conditions (temperature, salinity, clarity), plankton diversity (microscope) among many other things.
· Went to the opening of the new charter school in Hillsborough, Arapaki. It's great to have another school on offer in the electorate.
· Spent an evening at the Bowls Club in Diamond Harbour. Highly recommend giving it a go. This Friday night is the last session till the lead up to Christmas.

To keep up to date with everything I am doing, follow me:
Instagram: @vanessaweeninkbankspeninsulamp