In this issue:
- Minister's News
- In the House
- Electorate News
- Upcoming Engagement Opportunities
Minister's News

Ngawha Springs, Northland
Waitangi Day 2025
As always, I enjoyed visiting Northland for Waitangi Day. I attended several meetings and events, including the Dawn Service.
As Minister for Tourism and Hospitality, I (and my colleagues Hon Tama Potaka, Hon Mark Mitchell, and Hon Simon Watts) visited several operators peak season to gauge how the Northland industry is faring.
Everyone Must Go!

This month Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and I launched Tourism New Zealand's new campaign—'Everyone must go!'—to attract Australian visitors from across the ditch.
The campaign, which will run through March and April, is boosted by significant investment from the private sector offering great deals. More campaigns in other countries will follow.
Tourism is a crucial part of Government’s focus on economic growth. Domestic and international tourism expenditure is almost $38 billion and supports nearly 200,000 jobs.
While international visitor numbers to December showed a 12 per cent increase compared to 2023 and the number of Australian arrivals in New Zealand increased by more than 90,000 (up from 1.27 million to 1.36 million) over the past year, visitor numbers from Australia are currently at about 88 per cent of 2019 levels. We have more work to do.
Economic growth is driven by businesses, and I will continue to meet with businesses across New Zealand to help grow tourism now and long term.
Māori Tourism

Māori tourism providers play a big part in attracting international tourists who want to learn more about our country, our people and our culture and we will continue to support its development.
In 2023 there were 3,595 Māori tourism businesses operating in core and general tourism industries, collectively employing over 15,000 people.
The recent Value of Māori Tourism report shows Māori tourism businesses contributed $1.2 billion to the economy in 2023, up from $975 million in 2018.
$3 million Regional Tourism Boost
This month I announced a $3 million Regional Tourism Boost to attract international visitors to the regions and boost economic growth. The contestable fund will open at the end of February for activity in the April to July period.
The Fund is open to groups of collaborating organisations, but each group must include at least two Regional Tourism Organisations (RTO) and have an RTO as a lead organisation.
Application information is here.
Disability Consultation
Disability Support Services Consultation
Our goal is to build a system where all disabled people can access fair, consistent and transparent services and supports.
We are consulting with disabled people, their whānau and carers to work out how to best stabilise government-managed disability support services and provide certainty for the future.
This consultation focusses on how we can improve disability support services through clearer assessment and support settings, and options for changes to flexible funding.
Go to Disability Support Services’ website for details. By having your say, you play a vital part in this work. The consultation is open until 5p.m. Monday 24 March 2025.
To find out more, you can attend workshops in Hamilton (3 March), Rotorua (4 March), or Napier (19 March).
New Zealand Disability Strategy Working Group
Ministry of Disabled People – Whaikaha is refreshing the New Zealand Disability Strategy which was last updated nearly 10 years ago.
A working group of disabled people, Deaf, tāngata whaikaha Māori, whānau hauā, Turi Māori, Pacific people and families with knowledge, experience or subject matter expertise in Health, Education, Employment, Housing or Justice will be selected to help develop the new strategy.
Expressions of interest are due by 6 March. Find out more information here.
In the House

I recently spoke in the House about Government's priority of Going for Growth and the benefits that growth provides New Zealanders.
You can watch my speech here.
Electorate News
Kinleith PM6 Paper Machine Closure
I appreciate how difficult it is for those who are set to lose their jobs at Oji Fibre Solutions' Kinleith Mill, or who are waiting to hear their fate.
Some employees have worked at the mill for many years and built up great transferrable skills and qualifications.
South Waikato District Council has set up Project Phoenix and is working with Oji Fibre Solutions, Government, MSD, community organisations, local educational and training institutes and businesses to help those who will lose their jobs find new employment, and I'll work with this team.
Ministry of Social Development (MSD) case managers are set up to assist those affected to prepare for new jobs.
Major business and housing investments that will help offset effects of the closure include:
- Olam Food Ingredients' new dairy processing facility (Tokoroa)
- Overdale Estate development (Putāruru)
- Strathmore Park housing development (Tokoroa)
- Maraetai Road Intermodal Business Park (Tokoroa)
Please call my office if you need help (contact details below).
Conservation Funds for Maungatautari
Conservation Minister Tama Potaka has announced a funding injection of $750,000 over three years for the Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust Sanctuary.
It is great to know that our native kākāpō, Mahoenui giant wētā, takahē, banded kōkopu, giant kōkopu (native NZ fish) and tuna (longfin eel), amongst other native species, will continue to be protected in this important ecological island.
Youth MP Applications Close

It was great to meet so many keen students interested in the Youth Member of Parliament, Youth Press Gallery, and Youth Advisory Board positions (Forest View High School Tokoroa pictured above and Cambridge High School pictured below).
Today (noon) was the last day for applications. We'll get back to applicants very soon.
All applicants are invited to attend my Youth Advisory Board. The first one is on 4 April. Schools have been sent the information and will be advising of details.

Cambridge to Piarere
NZTA Waka Kotahi is currently completing consultations, assessments, design work and planning in preparation for site work to begin on the 4-lane 16km Cambridge to Piarere expressway in late 2026. You can see a concept animation flythrough here.
This Road of National Significance will make a huge difference to the flow of traffic and freight on one of our busiest highways.
Installing an interim roundabout to replace the T-intersection of State Highway 1 and Karāpiro Road has been decided against. New road markings and signage, including electronic signs, will remind drivers to be vigilant at this intersection.
The Cambridge approach to the Piarere roundabout was opened this week. The central median and barriers on the Hamilton approach, as well as landscaping and planting, will be completed in coming months.
SH1 Tīrau to Waiouru
Road works continue 24/7 on State Highway 1 Tīrau to Waiouru, with detours in place for extended periods. This work is funded by Government's $2.07 billion State Highway Pothole Prevention fund (2024–27).
- Desert Road will remain closed until mid-March with north-south detours via SH41, SH47, SH4, SH49 and back to SH1 in Waiouru. This will add approximately 30-40 minutes to journeys.
- The northern section of the SH1 Desert Road between Tūrangi to Rangipō has re-opened to allow light vehicles to use SH1 to the SH1/SH46 intersection and access SH46 to connect to SH47.
- The speed limit at the intersection of SH4 and SH47 at National Park will be reduced from 80kph to 50kph while detours are in place.
- SH1 from SH1/Princes Street, Putāruru, to Vosper Road/SH1 Lichfield intersection will be closed from 5a.m. Monday 3 March for approximately 4 weeks for road rebuilding from Domain Road to Pinedale Road.
Heavy vehicles (including all over-dimension, HPMV and 50-tonne maximum) are encouraged to use SH5 via Rotorua.
There will be night closures in early April for the final surfacing between Vospers Road and Rollett Road.

The road between the SH1/SH30 intersection and the SH1/SH5 intersection (Wairakei Roundabout) will be closed from 5a.m. Monday 3 March for approximately 4–5 weeks to rebuild the southern end and finish the safety improvements and road rebuilding closer to Ātiamuri.

SH5 and SH28
A right-turn bay (southbound) from SH5 onto Waimakariri Road is to be created beginning 3 March (see map below).
Work on building a roundabout at the intersection of SH5 and SH28 (Harwoods Road) will start in September.
Funding has been allocated to design a roundabout at the intersection of SH28 (Whites Road) and SH5, as well as to design road widening between Whites and Harwoods Roads.
As road works are weather dependent and subject to change, I encourage you to visit the NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Journey Planner webpage to see when and where detours are in place and how much extra time you need to add to your journey. Please be patient as there are stop/go controls on some detour routes also.
You can subscribe to NZTA Waka Kotahi updates here.

Speed Limit Consultation
Speed limit changes across New Zealand are being made to support economic growth, boost productivity, and enable people to get to where they are going efficiently and safely. SH1 Hātepe to Tūrangi (Lake Taupō) is a State Highway interregional connector. Under new rules, NZTA Waka Kotahi is required to reinstate previous speed limits on all interregional connectors by 1 July 2025, unless public consultation shows there is support to retain them at current levels.
We are consulting until 13 March 2025 to find out local support levels for keeping speed limits at specific state highway locations at today’s lowered speeds.
Originair's first flight from Taupō
Originair has taken to the skies above Taupō with the first flight to Wellington taking off last week. It is great to have more flight options for locals and visitors on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Upcoming Engagement Opportunities
Facebook Live
Join me online to discuss the issues that currently concern you on the second Tuesday of each month.
My next live chat will be:
Tuesday 11 March 2025, 8 p.m.
You can see the last Facebook Live here.
Clinics and Friendly Forums
Note: Dates are subject to change, so please RSVP for Forums and contact the office to make a Clinic appointment.
Cambridge Friendly Forum
Friday 7 March, 10:00–11:30a.m.
Cambridge Bowling Club, 37 Thornton Road, Cambridge
Please RSVP by calling 07 827 5572 or emailing
South Waikato Clinic
Friday, 21 March 2025, 2:00–3:30p.m.
Please call 07 8865554 or email for an appointment.
Electorate Assistance
Cambridge Office:
Phone 07 8275572 or email
South Waikato:
Phone 07 8865554 or email
Taupō Office:
Phone 07 3765563 or email
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Kind regards
Louise Upston