Make a difference as the Youth MP for Ōtaki

03 February 2025

Tim Costley

Apply now to be the 2025 Youth MP for Ōtaki

Local MP Tim Costley is seeking a young person to represent the region at the New Zealand Youth Parliament.
The successful Youth MP will join up to 123 young people from across the country as Youth Members of Parliament, where they will advocate for their communities and debate the issues they are passionate about.
While the role is not party-political, it will offer a unique opportunity to one young person between the ages of 16 and 18 to influence government decision-making and learn first-hand about our democracy.
“I want to see someone get an opportunity that might be a catalyst for them to achieve beyond what they thought possible.
“This is not always about the best and brightest, it can be about good, community-minded, committed young people who stand to gain a lot from this experience,” said Mr Costley.
Up to 20 young people will also be selected as Youth Press Gallery members, to report on the activities of Youth MPs and learn about the important role the Press Gallery plays.
To apply, please email Tim Costley at by 12 noon on Friday 28 February 2025. Young people must be aged 16 to 18 years on the application closing date to be eligible to become a Youth MP.
Applicants should write why they want to be the Youth MP and what they would bring to the role (300 words max). Please also include one ‘policy idea’ for the change you’d most like to make if given the chance.
Applicants will be shortlisted in March for a short interview and leadership session.
The successful candidate will be announced by the Minister for Youth in April. They will be required to perform a range of duties over the period 28 April to 29 August, 2025. This includes the Youth Parliament in Wellington 1-2 July and some electorate-based activities throughout these four months.
Those unsuccessful will form the basis of the region’s 2025 Youth Advisory Panels which Tim has run throughout his tenure as our local MP.
There will be one youth representative from the Ōtaki electorate, which encompasses Kāpiti and Horowhenua from Foxton to Paraparaumu.