Vanessa Weenink - December Newsletter

03 December 2024

Vanessa Weenink

Christmas is now knocking on our doorsteps; so, I have been keeping busy with finishing projects and starting new ones.


  • Hosted Minister of Transport Simeon Brown in Christchurch. This was a perfect opportunity to show him the Heathcote cycleway and the crossing point outside of Halswell School Te Kura O Te Tauawa. Simeon met Christchurch Mayor Phil Mauger at the cycleway and explained the KiwiRail situation after weeks of advocating for the cycleway to remain. In the afternoon, we met Halswell Councillor Andrei Moore on State Highway 75 by Halswell School crossing to explain to Simeon the problematic crossing.
  • Met with ChristchurchNZ staff asking for support to get part of the Peninsula registered as a Dark Sky reserve. Dark Sky Reserves protect the night sky from light pollution which allows to see stars, planets, and galaxies in better. This is important for astronomy and education, but also for our cultural and natural heritages.
  • Spent the weekend speaking to people at the National Party stall at the Canterbury show. The weather was dubious but it was great meeting so many people interested in the Rural Nats. I also spoke with the last National MP to win Banks Peninsula, Sir David Carter.
  • Went along to the Isaac Theatre Royal 10-year Gala celebration. This was an amazing showcase of kiwi and international talent; I enjoyed every minute.
  • Spent the afternoon at Burwood Hospital. This was a great chance to gain an insight into the running of the hospital and meet the incredible team looking after those who need it most.
  • Hosted my Banks Peninsula National members to say thank you to everyone for their continued support this year.
  • Joined in on the celebrations of Diwali in Hagley Park. Diwali Festival has grown to become New Zealand's premier Indian cultural festival. It's a free, family-friendly event held every year.
  • Attended the Christchurch Citizen Ceremony in the Town Hall. Always great to be a part of people’s journey of making New Zealand their chosen home.
  • I met with the leadership team at Lyttelton Port Company for an end-of-year catch up. Applications are now open for the Lyttelton Port Company – Women in Trades Scholarship. This fantastic initiative was created to help address the gender gap in the trades sector.
  • Hosted Oaklands School year 7 and 8’s at Parliament. I’m looking forward to seeing them again at the Oaklands School gala on December 6.
  • Went along to the Young Nats Christmas celebration. Great to catch up with many of my volunteers and celebrate all their achievements this year.
  • Hosted MP for Napier Katie Nimon in Christchurch. As Katie is the Chair of the Education Select Committee, this was a good chance to introduce her to Cashmere High Schools new Principal John Stradwick. Then we headed up to Huntsbury to meet Graham and Sally, who are some of the family members behind the very successful Tussock Hill Vineyard. Katie coming from wine country was impressed with their diverse business model and the fresh local produce they serve at their on-site restaurant.

Community Update:

Met with Council staff, including Banks Peninsula Councillor Tyrone Fields and residents from Governors Bay to discuss a plan to install safety cameras in the area to improve dangerous driving around the Bays.
Joined the Mayor Phil Mauger at the Engineers Parade in Akaroa. 100 personnel from the New Zealand Defence Force came together for the occasion. Soldiers marched from the Akaroa boat ramp along Rue Brittan, Rue Lavaud, stopping outside the war memorial before continuing along Beach Road, finishing at the Fire Station. Soldiers carried swords and rifles with NZ Army Band played before with Mayor Phil Mauger’s speech. After the Parade, Phil and I met with members from the Akaroa and Bays Forum to discuss community issues such as housing and rural health.
Joined over 200 people who gathered to protest the closure of the Heathcote cycleway. We gathered at the intersection of the Heathcote Expressway and Scruttons Rd after KiwiRail told Christchurch City Council it must close a 1.5km section of the cycleway after a safety assessment found a nearby rail crossing posed a risk of serious injury or death once every thousand years. The cost of the project is also estimated to cost $6.5 million. Before the protest, I sent KiwiRail board members a letter advocating for my constituents to keep the cycleway as is. It was great to follow-through two weeks later with an onsite meeting with Minister of Transport Simeon Brown.
I am happy to say KiwiRail sent a letter saying they will be keeping the cycleway open while they reassess the costing of the project. I am still working with all parties to get a permanent solution.

National’s News:

  • We marked a year in Government: We’re committed to continuing to take bold action on the economy, law and order, health, and education. (Beehive PR
  • More relief for Kiwi families: The latest 50-point drop in the official cash rate (OCR) is the third drop since August, meaning the rate has fallen 125 basis points in that time. (Beehive PR
  • Funding for 50 new senior doctors, more nurses: Frontline funding by the Government will enable the employment of 50 new senior doctors, as well as additional specialist nurses and other health professionals. (Beehive PR
  • New Police station in Auckland CBD: Public safety is at the heart of our law-and-order programme and increasing police visibility across our main CBDs is a key part of that. 
  • More support in reading and maths for Kiwi kids: Due to high demand, we’re boosting the level of targeted interventions in classrooms around the country. (Beehive PR

Out and About in Banks Peninsula

  • Visited St Anne’s, Mt Pleasant, Lady of the Star primary schools’ and Kimihia Parents College (for young mothers). Always a pleasure to meet with school staff and students from around the electorate. I was impressed by how passionate and inspiring the staff at Kimihia College is. TPU is a community of young women with the same goal – to complete their secondary education and plan future pathways for them.
  • Headed along to support Akaroa local hero Blake Thomson for his 10km journey in full apparatus to raise funds for Movember after being diagnosed with testicular cancer in September. Blake is now cancer free and has raised $10,000 for Movember.
  • Went to the Woolston Summer Fete. Great community spirit and stalls, I even had a go juggling.
  • Drove to Little River to join the locals at the Wairewa Community Breakfast. Fantastic community event year after year. Not to mention the amazing spread they put on.
  • Checked out the Penguins on the Peninsula event put on by the Naval Yacht Club. I also joined in the Guardians of Whakraupo evening,  which featured fascinating presentations from Seacleaners to Predator Free Port Hills about their passion for the Kororā/White Flippered Penguin.
  • Joined in the blessing of the Sumner Skate Park opening. This will be a hugely popular asset to the local community, there was already a crowd building at 7am.
  • Headed along to the Halswell Twilight Market. The market has a fabulous local vendors showcasing their best products. This was a great chance to catch up with Halswell Councillor Andrei Moore again.
  • Drove back over to Akaroa to attend the Civic Trust meeting. Great to see how connect the Akaroa community is with one another.
  • Had a look through the old Hollywood theatre site in Sumner. I spoke with the team from Bushnell Builders and Mr Doig about the iconic building and some of the challenges they have faced while repurposing this fabulous building.  Built in 1938, the oldest cinema in Christchurch will become part of the high-end Silky Otter Cinemas chain. It will have three luxury cinemas including a bar!

Community Drop-In Sessions:

I am pleased to announce my next community drop-in sessions will be at my office at 11am-12pm on Sunday 15 December.
On that note, my office in Ferrymead will be closed so my staff can have a well-deserved break from Monday 20 December until Monday 13 January.


25 November - Spoke to Press journalist Liz McDonald about the letter I received from KiwiRail and my next steps on the issue. Rule change could avert closure of Heathcote cycleway [The Press]
22 November - Spoke to John MacDonald from Newstalk ZB with on few political issues. Listen here [NewsTalkZB]
13 November - Spoke in the House about the Heathcote expressway proposed closure due to safety concerns from KiwiRail and how illogical the proposed project is. Listen here:  [Facebook]
11 November - Spoke to Press journalist at the Heathcote expressway protest. ‘Silly, stupid, short-sighted’: Cyclists unite over KiwiRail decision [The Press]
8 November - Spoke to John MacDonald again with Reuben Davidson Labour MP for Christchurch East as well. Listen here [NewsTalkZB]

Have a safe Christmas and a happy New Year!
To keep up to date with everything on a day-to-day basis, follow me on social media:
Instagram: @vanessaweeninkbankspeninsulamp