As summer comes racing around the corner, I have been ticking of a few projects as the countdown to Christmas begins.
- Hosting MP for Ōtaki Tim Costley in Christchurch was a perfect chance to visit Tawhaki headquarters. Tāwhaki is a partnership between the New Zealand Government and the indigenous people of Kaitorete –Wairewa Rūnanga and Te Taumutu Rūnanga. The National Aerospace Centre at Kaitorete is a multi-use aerospace, space flight and launch facility. Tim being an ex-Royal New Zealand Air Force pilot enjoyed meeting the team

- On that note, earlier in the month I was lucky enough to join the Rural Nats on tour down in Geraldine and Omarama hosted by Miles Anderson. It was great to drive down south and meet with farmers about issues that they are facing - I know these issues are common for our farmers in Banks Peninsula
- A visit to Christchurch Women’s Prison to meet the hard-working staff and see the newly updated Selwyn Unit. Selwyn is a 24-bed unit which has just undergone a refurbishment and reopened as a first night and vulnerable unit. Prisoners are accommodated in this unit for the first 14 days of imprisonment. Kia Rite and Pou Ārahi support prisoners to address any immediate needs identified in the Receiving Office. Prisoners are assessed to determine which unit best suits their pathway forward
- A visit to the Stand Tū Māia facility. To meet the manager and have a tour of the centre. Services include therapeutic care and education component delivered in children’s villages, therapeutic social work services delivered in home based and school-based settings, family therapy, and a holiday programme for caregivers, including grandparents and foster parents
- Spent for a few hours volunteering at 0800 hungry and met the local team. It was great to spend time with the team and see first-hand the dedication from the team. I was lucky enough to help with delivering some food parcels around the electorate
- Hosting the year 13s from Akaroa Area School to Parliament. Special thanks to the speaker Gerry Brownlee, for taking the time to explain his role to the students. They asked some excellent questions.
- A visit to Ōtaki to spend time with MP Tim Costley. I enjoyed visiting the Horowhenua College Military Academy. Tim and I were welcomed with an incredible haka that I won't forget. We also shared stories of our experiences in the military and spoke to students about what makes a good leader.
- Meet with Ruskin Hartley CEO of Dark Sky International about the possibility of having a Dark Sky exhibition somewhere within Banks Peninsula
- Joined the Young Nats for one of their meetings. Always great to spend time with the next generation and budding politicians
- Went along to Women in Business hosted by Nicola Willis. Great to attend events like this connecting women together to both inspire and help one another
- Met with Selwyn Mayor Sam Broughton. It was fantastic to speak about to him about his aspiration for Selwyn
- Went along to Battered Women’s rebrand launch ‘SHE’. SHE (Support, Heal, Empower) is the largest affiliated Women's Refuge in Aotearoa New Zealand and do a fantastic job
- Met with MoE’s Director, Coralanne Child. It was great to discuss a few issues that have been affecting some schools within the Banks Peninsula electorate
- Joined MP for Ilam Hamish Campbell at Durga. It was a beautiful colourful celebration of the culture and celebration of good defeating evil and female empowerment
- Went along to the Women’s expo along with Selwyn MP Nicola Grigg, and Napier MP Katie Nimon. It was fabulous to connect with women and find out about the issues that are affecting them the most.

Community Update:
My September community drop-in session at my office was well-attended. It was fantastic to connect with more locals and hear about all the exciting community projects happening around the electorate.
Following on from this, I sent out a letter asking constituents for feedback on what matters most to them in the Banks Peninsula electorate. So far, my team has received hundreds of responses. The biggest takeaways from the survey so far have been positive feedback on the idea of having another High School within the Halswell area and the importance of looking after our greenspaces.
Earlier last month, I also attended the Heathcote Valley Community Association Committee along with Superintendent and Metro Commander Canterbury District Police Lane Todd. The meeting was in response to crime and the community wanting to create a safer community.
Joined the Mayor Phil Mauger at the opening of Te Kuru Wetlands. The park has basins that can hold over one million cubic metres of floodwater during major rain events, significantly reducing the risk of downstream flooding in the Ōpāwaho/Heathcote River. The basins can also treat stormwater runoff from surrounding residential areas to improve water quality in Cashmere Stream. There are large areas of native planting, including 150,000 trees and 650,000 plants, bridges and approximately 14km of shared recreational paths for pedestrians and cyclists.
Went along to the community public meeting on Akaroa’s wastewater issue over Labour Weekend. Great to see Mayor Phil Mauger get up and speak to locals about the steps the Council is taking and connect with locals on other infrastructure issues they are facing. I plan on holding my own public meeting on infrastructure within the Bays early next year.
National’s News:
Open work rights return for partners of high skilled migrants: The Government is ensuring New Zealand attracts and retains the workers and skills it needs by returning open work rights to partners of high-skilled migrants. (Beehive PR)
Funding boost for Hato Hone St John: Hato Hone St John provides an essential service by ensuring people receive timely treatment in an emergency. This is a significant uplift in a constrained financial environment. (Beehive PR)
Police deliver clear message to gangs: Police dealt a significant blow to the Mongrel Mob Barbarians in Opotiki with the execution of over thirty search warrants across the North Island and sent a clear message that the misery and violence that they cause will not be tolerated. (Beehive PR)
Government to appoint Crown Observer to Wellington City Council: Local Government Minister Simeon Brown has announced his intention to appoint a Crown Observer to Wellington City Council, following news that the Council will now be required to rewrite its 2024-34 Long Term Plan. (Beehive PR)
Removing roadblocks to building infrastructure: New Zealand has a widely acknowledged infrastructure deficit, which is holding us back socially, economically, and environmentally. (Beehive PR)
Out and About in Banks Peninsula
- Spent time over in Duvachilles and met with Christchurch City Council staff having a look at the new seawall they have built
- Went for a tour of Barry’s Bay Cheese factory. It was great to meet the owner and learn about cheese as an avid cheese lover. This was a good opportunity to speak about some of the issues they are facing, and how I can further support them
- Met with members from the Le Bons Bay conservation trust. The trust aims to buy 39 hectares of private land and turn it into a rewilding reserve open to the public. So far, they have done a fantastic job and raised half of the money needed to buy the land
- Headed along to the Repair Café in Cashmere to meet with the members who do a brilliant job of sharing their repairing skills and sustainable living tips
- Joined MP Ilam Hamish Campbell at the Onam event in Lincoln. This was a fabulous celebration of the annual harvest and Hindu cultural festival celebrated by the people of Kerala
- Joined the opening of the Naval Point Club sailing season. It was a fantastic day to start the season off and see everyone getting out on the beautiful harbour
- Went along to The Smart Innovation Expo. A great showcase of inspiring individuals, businesses, and organisations driving positive change through local innovation
- Was honoured to have my artwork to be included as a part of a group exhibition for the art in recovery programme for the NZDF.

- Went along to the Coastguard AGM and annual awards event in Sumner. Congratulations to the winners and many thanks to all the volunteers for their hard work and service
- Joined Cashmere High School’s pōwhiri welcoming the new principal, John Stradwick. The pōwhiri included speeches, and hongi (pressing of noses), which symbolises the sharing of breath and the coming together of two groups - tangata whenua and manuhiri, finishing with shared kai
- Popped into St Mary’s Church fair and took a photo Halswell Councillor Andrei Moore bargains from the white elephant stand
- Joined the opening of the Diamond Harbour Medical Centre. Over a hundred people turned up for the opening. This project was achieved through many dedicated volunteers, and plenty of community fundraising
- Spent time at Thorrington, Tamariki, Sumner, and Cashmere primary schools. Catching up with staff and pupils about what they have been doing and any help I can provide them
- Joined the Hungarian Consulate investiture celebrations in Sumner.
Went along to Waihora Banks Peninsula Young Farmers general meeting. It was great to sit down and hear feedback from our next generation of farmers - Spent the day at the Governors Bay fete. Thanks to the Governors Bay Community Association for putting it together with wonderful entertainment from the Sumner Silver Band
- Dropped into Lyttelton Community House to drop off a box for their Christmas Shoebox Project. Each donation enables them to gift a child a gift box this Christmas.

Spoke to John MacDonald and Labour’s MP Tracey McLellan on Newstalk ZB in October.
Listen here: Politics Friday: NZ Health is in a near billion dollar hole - how do they get out? (
Spoke to Chris Lynch along with Duncan Webb Labour MP for Christchurch Central on few political issues on Chris Lynch's local politics segment.
Listen here: Facebook
Spoke last Thursday in the special debate on local issues affecting the Banks Peninsula electorate including the Bromley wastewater plant and the Akaroa waste problem as well.
Listen here: Facebook
To keep up to date with everything on a day-to-day basis, follow me on social media:
Facebook: Instagram: @vanessaweeninkbankspeninsulamp
I am seeking your views on Easter trading and want to know what issues are most important to you, please fill out my survey here.
Thank you,