One year in
It's one year since you elected me as your local MP and I'm still so grateful and humbled to have the opportunity to serve in this special way.
The highlights have been the people I've been able to help, sharing just a little of their journey through various challenges. It's often hard to share these deeply personal stories but here are a few comments from people who have given permission for me to use these quotes, in order to help people understand what I do.

Inflation and Interest Rates are down

For the first time in a few years inflation is back in the target range. This means interest rates are down, mortgages cost less (once you re-fix or float), and it's easier for businesses to invest and create the growth we need. Add this to our tax relief and you get more money left at the end of the week to give you just a couple more options.
The first thing we did as a Government was to focus the Reserve Bank on tackling inflation, and added to our cutting of wasteful spending and using your taxpayer dollar wisely, inflation is down and hitting targets at least a year ahead of where they were predicted to be earlier this year. There have been tough decisions to make along the way, but it's working. This shows the difference our Government is making for you.

Join me for morning tea
Over the last month I've had community pop-up meetings for anyone to join me in Foxton, Waitarere, Levin, Ōtaki, Waikanae and Paraparaumu. Here are three more free chances to join me:
Over 60s Morning Teas
10am, October 29th, Waikanae, RSVP to
10am, October 31st, Levin, RSVP to
Cuppa and a chat
Friday November 8th, 11.30am, Reds Cafe, Ōtaki, RSVP not required. Buy your own morning tea.
These are social events, not for constituent queries. I'll give an update at the Over 60s events, and at all of them there will be a chance for Q&A.
The final morning tea will be Wednesday November 27th, 10am, Paraparaumu Bowling Club.
What am I doing locally?

I won't list everything to save space, but here's a typical day for you: Friday October 18th.
4am. Awake and into it
5am. Blessing and soil turning for the new health centre in Levin.
6.30am. Visited the new path being built around Lake Horowhenua. It's fantastic!! Well done to all involved.
7.30am. Bush Street Business park for a coffee and chat to some businesses.
8.30am. Met with the Services Academy at Horowhenua College.
9.30am. Visited the Horowhenua Health Centre on Liverpool St to talk about how we could deliver more support locally.
10.30am. Seniors morning tea at the Vintage Car Club.
12pm. Collecting for Pink Ribbon (Breast Cancer).
1pm. Visited Mrs Zelda Beckett who turned 100 in Levin.
2pm. Visited Peter Jackson Plumbing in Paraparaumu who won the local Business Awards. They taught me how to fit a tap.
3pm. Visited Mr Bert ten Broeke who turned 100 in Paraparaumu.
4pm. Popped in at home to see kids.
5pm. Headed to local RSA to say hi to everyone and dinner.
6.30pm. Dropped all the girls at various youth groups.
7.30pm. Finally got to my emails for the day!
If you'd like to hear more about some local highlights, have a look at this video [YouTube] from a speech in Parliament yesterday. I'm so proud to represent our region and I hope that comes across!

Expressway Speed Limit
I hope you've seen that from next month we're increasing the expressway to 110km/hr. It was designed and built to be safe at that speed, and the public support to my petition was overwhelming. Delivering on another promise.
Upcoming events
I'll be at all the big public events:
- The Spring Fling
- The Waikanae Labour Weekend Mahara Market
- The Arts Trail
- The Strawberry Festival
- The Food Fair (check out my special international guest, my BBQ to raise money for the foodbank, and my appearance on the main cooking stage!
If you would like to help on the BBQ raising money for the foodbank, please drop me an email. Anyone is welcome. Every cent goes directly to those in need this Christmas.

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Finally, remember to check out our video profile series on people form our community: Facebook, Instagram or TikTok.

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