Connecting with Carl Bates

18 October 2024

Carl Bates

Issue 11 - First Anniversary Special

The Election and our new Government

It is just over a year since the 2023 General Election. After a robust, vigorous and energetic campaign, voters in the Whanganui Electorate gave me the privilege of representing them as their Member of Parliament. Within 36 hours of the result being announced, I was en route to Wellington for the MP Induction, and it is fair to say that life has not been the same since.
This month’s newsletter reflects on all that has been achieved in the last 12 months It includes a select few personal highlights and reflects on some of what the National-led coalition Government has achieved.
The coalition Government was sworn in by Governor-General Dame Cindy Kiro on 27th November, and the 54th Parliament convened on 5th December when all MPs were sworn in, Including the 22 new outstanding backbench MPs in the National Caucus. The Rt Hon Gerry Brownlee was elected as Speaker.
The first challenge was quickly evident. The Government’s books were in worse shape than first thought, and Finance Minister Nicola Willis delivered a mini-Budget on 20 December which, in her words “draws a line under six years of economic mismanagement” as she outlined savings of $7.4 billion. The mini-Budget and Minister Willis’ first Budget in May 2024 have contributed to falling inflation and interest rates. The House adjourned for the summer recess the following day.
My five key highlights from the Budget 2025 were:
  • Record investment in Health and Education
  • Tax relief for middle New Zealand
  • FamilyBoost assistance for parents with children in ECE
  • Investment in roading and infrastructure
  • Investment in Law and Order, including the funding of 500 Police

 A Maiden Speech

In January I delivered my Maiden Speech to Parliament, an afternoon I will never forget. It was wonderful to have Candice and my family, including my Grandmother Shirley and Nana June in the House to watch. Along with them was a large contingent from the Whanganui Electorate. I finished my speech with the following words:
Ultimately my goal in this House is to ensure I can tell my grandchildren that our great nation has the first world healthcare, education and social services we deserve, because we built a productive first world economy that enabled us to pay for them.
Over the course of the year I have served on two select committees. Firstly as Deputy Chair of the Education and Workforce Committee, and I also serve on the Petitions Committee, which reviews all petitions to Parliament and recommends future action. 

Getting Ministers to town

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon visited Whanganui in April. The visit included time at Kimiora Infusion Unit at Whanganui Hospital which opened in December 2023. In March, Health Minister Dr Shane Reti announced additional funding for the unit to enable up to ten patients a day to be treated there, avoiding travel to Palmerston North Hospital. There has also been an opportunity for local nurses to upskill to reduce the reliance on staff from Palmerston North.
Other Ministers to have visited the Whanganui Electorate include Hon Nicola Willis, Hon Simeon Brown, Hon Paul Goldsmith, Hon Louise Upston, Hon Mark Mitchell, Hon Todd McClay, Hon Matt Doocey, Hon Simon Watts, Hon Melissa Lee and Hon Chris Penk, along with coalition Ministers Hon Shane Jones and Hon Andrew Hoggard.
Minister Matt Doocey officiated at the opening of our Whanganui office in March. This was after a busy day in Whanganui where he met local mental health professionals and held a session with local tourism operators. In August, events in the Whanganui district received grants from the Regional Events Promotion Fund totalling $180,000, which will be a massive boost for Whanganui over the summer. Our South Taranaki office was opened by Minister Melissa Lee in April.

Working for Whanganui, South Taranaki and Stratford

Our offices in Whanganui and Hāwera receive a constant stream of enquiries by email, phone calls and people coming in to see us. Our team fields a wide range of cases from ACC and immigration issues to specific local issues.
Being a conduit between local and central government is an important part of an Electorate MP’s job. I have built good working relationships with the three district Mayors, Andrew Tripe (Whanganui), Phil Nixon (South Taranaki) and Neil Volzke (Stratford).
Balancing the interests of Whanganui, South Taranaki and Stratford is a constant focus. One way I aim to achieve this is regularly attending different events across the electorate. This is something I will continue to do in the year ahead.

Thank You

Achieving all that we have over the last twelve months requires the combined effort of a whole lot of people. Thank you to everyone who has supported me during the last year. In particular a special heartfelt thank you to my amazing wife Candice, and our boys Angus and Logan, who sacrifice a lot to allow me to serve as the MP for Whanganui. Thank you also to my team, Linda, Tony, Stacey, Maree and Juliane for all that you do.
As my second year begins I reiterate my promise from 2023; that I will be a voice for every person in the Whanganui Electorate, which I am so proud to represent.

Coming Events

  • 19 October - Diwali Celebration at the Whanganui War Memorial Centre
  • 2 November - Festival of Cultures, Whanganui
  • 3 November - Taranaki Garden Festival
  • 9 November - Opening of the Sarjeant Gallery, Whanganui
Member of Parliament for Whanganui
Whanganui - South Taranaki - Stratford