Tom Rutherford - The week that was

21 August 2024

Tom Rutherford

The Week That Was - 20 September 2024
Being “Super Blue” in Botany
My absolute pleasure to be guest speaker at Botany for SuperBlues. There was nearly 120 people in attendance! Thanks for having me team and making me feel so welcome, what a fantastic turnout!

Upcoming Residents Clinics A Night with Mr Speaker
It was a real pleasure to host Speaker of the House, Rt Hon Gerry Brownlee, in the Bay of Plenty last Friday night for called 'A Night with the Speaker’. The event was a good opportunity to hear from Gerry, for him to speak on his role as the Speaker of the House and to ask questions.
Thanks to all who came along to what turned out to be an awesome night!

Engagement Party Bliss
So, now our engagement is totally official. We had a lovely night last Saturday celebrating in style with family and friends. I’m so lucky that I get to spend the rest of my life with you, Hannah.

Waikato and BOP state highway works for September

File Photo. Sunlive.
The 2024/25 road renewal season has taken a significant step forward this week, with road rebuilding getting underway across the Waikato and Bay of Plenty
Road rebuild works are disruptive for several reasons, said Sandra King, NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) Bay of Plenty System Manager.   
“When rebuilding a road, we sometimes must remove the existing layers of the road, and then build them back up one layer at a time.
“Other times, we overlay the existing road with new layers. This process is important, as it ensures our suppliers to produce a high-quality road, but it does take time. Works can also create dust, noise or vibrations. 
“Knowing what work is taking place on your route, and the traffic management that will be in place will ensure you get to your destination on time.  
To plan ahead and see where disruptive works are, people can use the NZTA Journey Planner (
This is kept up to date in real time so you can see all disruptive activity and potential hazards on the state highway network.  
"We are focused on doing things as efficiently as possible, with the least amount of inconvenience, however there’s no doubt our work will cause disruption across the state highway network over the next 6 months."
“This is a necessity due to the volume of work we need to complete to maintain and improve the state highway network during the crucial summer months,” said King. 
FamilyBoost payment registrations open
From Tuesday, low-to-middle-income families with young children can register for the new FamilyBoost payment, to help them meet early childhood education (ECE) costs
We know that families across New Zealand are facing rising costs, especially for early childhood education (ECE).
FamilyBoost payment registrations are now open. FamilyBoost helps families by reimbursing up to 25% of their ECE fees, with up to $75 per week or $975 every three months.
FamilyBoost will support over 100,000 families and 140,000 children.

Households earning up to $180,000 can register now through Inland Revenue’s myIR platform. From 1 October, claims can be made for fees paid between 1 July and 30 September.
ECE fees can be a significant cost, particularly for families balancing work and childcare. For example, a couple earning $150,000 and paying $350 per week for ECE can expect a refund of $731.25 for the quarter. Families with different income sources, including self-employed parents, are also eligible, and single parents earning $85,000 can receive a refund of $812.50.
Separated parents sharing custody can each apply for FamilyBoost, each receiving refunds based on their ECE payments and income levels.
To apply, simply register on myIR, gather your ECE invoices, and be ready to submit your claim when applications from 1 October.
FamilyBoost is part of the Government’s commitment to helping families. We’re making it easier for parents to manage household expenses while ensuring their children get quality early education.
Make sure you register now and start preparing your invoices.
Back to school – Te Puna
Catching up with Neil Towersey - Principal of Te Puna School. I was a big fan of their school values: Give it a go, Honour our heritage, be yourself, care, aim high and be heard.

A Message for Pippa
This week I delivered the Prime Minister's letter to Pippa in response to the speech she wrote for him a few weeks ago.
Her speech was about dyslexia and the inequity between those kids who get the proper assessments and support and those who don't. The Prime Minister outlined that the government is looking into how we can make these diagnoses more accessible for everyone.

As the number of doctors and health workers in New Zealand continues to grow, more people can access diagnostic services through the public healthcare system at no cost to the patient.
Thank you, Pippa, for your commitment to being a champion for others who are neurodiverse so that all children and young people have the same opportunities and can learn in the ways that best suit them.
I firmly believe you should never let circumstances or other people shut you down, because the only limits in your life are those that you accept yourself.

National Apology- Abuse in care
The Prime Minister will deliver a national apology to survivors of abuse in care on Tuesday 12th November.
Here are the details of this process:
  • Expressions of interest has been opened for survivors wanting to attend national apology events.
  • The apology will take place in Parliament. There will be concurrent events in Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch following clear feedback some survivors do not want to attend an apology at Parliament or are unable to travel for personal or other reasons, but they do want the opportunity to attend an apology event.
  • The Government’s priority is to ensure as many survivors as possible can attend an apology event.
  • Survivors of abuse in care, along with one support person, can register their interest to attend Parliament or the event closest to their home address.
  • Travel expenses for all apology events will be covered, including one night of accommodation for those travelling from outside of an event city. Food costs will also be covered.
  • Travel assistance will be provided in forms of air travel, petrol vouchers, gift cards, and train and bus tickets. For survivors who prefer to use their own transport, costs will be reimbursed.
  • The Government will also detail more of our response to the Royal Commission’s final report alongside the national apology.
Registration process
If demand for a specific location exceeds the space available, a ballot process will be conducted. Everyone who expresses interest in attending an event will be notified by 12 October.
As many survivors of abuse in care may have never disclosed their abuse, there will be no verification process for the expressions of interest. The system will operate on a trust basis. We ask that New Zealanders allow attendance at the events to be reserved for survivors and their supporters.
We’re restoring law and order in New Zealand

Resident sings new roundabout’s praises - Tauranga City Council
Great advocacy and work by Mike Claridge, Councillor Hautapu Baker - Welcome Bay Ward and the Tauranga City Council. This change will make our local Welcome Bay community more accessible and safer for everyone.

Mike Claridge (pictured here on the left with Councillor Hautapu Baker) said the roundabout and raised crossings have been amazing for him.
Welcome Bay resident Mike, who uses a wheelchair to move around, has a new lease on life thanks to the recent addition of a roundabout and crossings on Waitaha Road.
Women’s Suffrage Day -September 19th
The National Party has a proud history of supporting women’s rights and opportunities, recognising the important role women play in shaping our country’s future.
New Zealand made history as the first self-governing country to grant women the right to vote. Thanks to the tireless efforts of Kate Sheppard, Harriet Morison, and Ada Wells, New Zealand was positioned at the forefront of gender equality. Today, we celebrate their courage and honour the generations of women who have followed in their footsteps. We also recognise the ongoing work needed for true equality, including closing the gender pay gap and increasing women’s representation in leadership roles.

As we celebrate Suffrage Day, we honour the trailblazing women of the past while continuing to build a brighter, more equal future for all.
In 1893, the suffrage movement, led by Kate Sheppard achieved a major victory for gender equality in New Zealand. With nearly 32,000 signatures collected, their petition helped pass the Electoral Act 1893 granting women the right to vote. Today, women make up 48% of New Zealand’s Parliament. On this Suffrage Day, we honour their legacy and reaffirm our commitment to advancing the journey toward full equality.
This week at a glance:
Government eliminates $190 million in trade barriers to boost the economy
The Government has successfully removed trade barriers affecting nearly $190 million worth of exports to help grow the economy, Minister for Trade and Agriculture Todd McClay announced.
Serious assaults down 22% in Auckland CBD
Cross-government action to tackle crime and antisocial behaviour in Auckland is getting traction, says Police Minister Mark Mitchell.
Draft critical minerals list released for consultation
A draft list of minerals deemed essential to New Zealand’s economy and strengthening its mineral resilience has been released for consultation, Resources Minister Shane Jones says.
Increased certainty for contractors coming
Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Brooke van Velden says upcoming changes to the Employment Relations Act will provide greater certainty for contractors and businesses.
Parihaka infrastructure upgrades funded
The Government will provide a $5.8 million grant to improve water infrastructure at Parihaka in Taranaki, Regional Development Minister Shane Jones and Māori Development Minister Tama Potaka say.
Prioritising victims with tougher sentences
The Government has agreed to introduce sentencing reforms to Parliament this week that will ensure criminals face real consequences for crime and victims are prioritised, Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith says.
Targets data confirms rise in violent crime
The first quarterly report on progress against the nine public service targets show promising results in some areas and the scale of the challenge in others, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon says
Asia Foundation Board appointments announced
Foreign Minister Winston Peters has announced the appointments of Hone McGregor, Professor David Capie, and John Boswell to the Board of the Asia New Zealand Foundation. 
FamilyBoost childcare payment registrations open
From this week, low-to-middle-income families with young children can register for the new FamilyBoost payment, to help them meet early childhood education (ECE) costs.
New appointments to the EPA board
Environment Minister Penny Simmonds has announced a major refresh of the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) board with four new appointments and one reappointment.
Minister commends Police for gang operation
Police Minister Mark Mitchell congratulates Police for the outstanding result of their most recent operation, targeting the Comancheros.
Improvements for New Zealand authors
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden says changes to the Public Lending Right [PLR] scheme will help benefit both the National Library and authors who have books available in New Zealand libraries
NZ votes for Middle East resolution at UN
New Zealand has voted for a United Nations resolution on Israel’s presence in occupied Palestinian Territory with some caveats, Foreign Minister Winston Peters says.
Tough targets for charter schools will raise achievement
Associate Education Minister David Seymour says that Charter Schools will face a combination of minimum performance thresholds and stretch targets for achievement, attendance and financial sustainability.  
More funding for Growing Up in New Zealand study
The Government is investing $16.8 million over the next four years to extend the Growing Up in New Zealand (GUiNZ) Longitudinal Study.
Government proposing changes to jury trials
The Government is seeking the public’s feedback on two major changes to jury trials in order to improve court timeliness, Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith says.
GDP data shows effect of high interest rates
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) data for the quarter to June 2024 reinforces how an extended period of high interest rates has meant tough times for families, businesses, and communities, but recent indications show the economy is starting to bounce back, Finance Minister Nicola Willis says.
Preventing potholes with data-driven technology 
The Government is rolling out data collection vans across the country to better understand the condition of our road network to prevent potholes from forming in the first place, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.  
Police allocate Officers to Beat and Gang Units 
The Coalition Government welcomes Police’s announcement to deploy more police on the beat and staff to Gang Disruption Units. 
Consultation begins on significant updates to the biosecurity system
Proposals to strengthen the country’s vital biosecurity system, including higher fines for passengers bringing in undeclared high-risk goods, greater flexibility around importing requirements, and fairer cost sharing for biosecurity responses have been released for public consultation.
Tough laws pass to make gang life uncomfortable
Legislation passed through Parliament will provide police and the courts with additional tools to crack down on gangs that peddle misery and intimidation throughout New Zealand, Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith says.
Bay of Plenty Electorate Office
3/9 Domain Road, Papamoa. 07 542 0505.

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I’m a Local, Just Like You!

Tom Rutherford
MP for Bay of Plenty
You can follow regular updates on Facebook: Tom Rutherford MP for Bay of Plenty